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Everything posted by Met1985

  1. Also I wouldn't be surprised to see a few stray flakes tonight. And one thing is this front coming in will usher some very cold air into our neck of the woods
  2. Yeah id say a solid 2 to 4 inches across the border counties at least and maybe a dusting to 2 inches elsewhere across the mountains.
  3. I believe it with such a dominant northern stream. Pretty typical actually.
  4. Yeah that tends to happen when we have a northern dominant stream.
  5. Good Lord down east with just monster lows off the coast.
  6. Congratulations guys! Glad yall finally got a good snow after so many years.
  7. A few flakes falling again. The radar in North Georgia has come alive. Might be that band the models are showing.
  8. That'll be real good. Get all the weenies hopes up. It's fun reading the obs thread down east. Weenies galore! I hope they get hammered.
  9. The snow has picked up a bit here with everything socked in around the mountains.
  10. These southern systems are sneaky. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a few inches tonight especially in the foothills.
  11. Yeah no mention of any snow at all. But that's ok currently I have a temp of 23 degrees light snow with a solid dusting. Going to be a cold winter day today.
  12. The GFS and the Euro throw a bit more moisture back our way tonight. Could make for some interesting times tonight. GFS has multiple chances for snow including a storm inside 100 hours.
  13. Also wouldn't be surprised to see some snow across the border counties. Nothing heavy but festive lol.
  14. Yeah still a couple snow events for us that aren't that far out.
  15. Nice. Its slowly coming down. Still have a nice snowpack but with it turning cold this stuff is going to setup like cement.
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