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Everything posted by Met1985

  1. Yeah I was thinking yesterday when the precipitation was training into your area you would be pleasantly happy about a good soaking.
  2. The freaking humidity has been killing me this month. Temp is summer time temp. Humidity sucks.
  3. Great seeing yall down east getting in on some much needed rainfall.
  4. Yeah yall have been getting hit hard that way especially in the valley. Talked to a friend in KNOXVILLE the other day and hw said it hit 100 there this weekend. It's the humidity for me. Hopefully we get a reprieve.
  5. Long range into the SE looks great for us. Looks like a decent trough may come through 3rd week this month.
  6. Man I appreciate your updates this summer. Of course I've been keeping up but I definitely look forward to your posts. Keep it up.
  7. By no means am I trying to be preachy or be course with you. Actually I respect the hell out of you as a poster and value your input. So ill leave it at that.
  8. Yeah but I can remember we used to get snows in and around Halloween here several years and it snowed several times around Thanksgiving or the very first of December. This being 70 plus well into December is not an early Winter. Getting one snow then hitting record highs doesn't cut it. On this side of the mountain we hit several record highs by several degrees last December. Our climate has warmed and has become less snowy around here. That is a fact that shows in the data and no im not being a debbie downer but just looking at the statistical numbers. You can clearly see we are warming. Last January was an absolute gift for around here even though we went right back to above normal in February. I'd like to see more consistency but our climate is changing and the norms are not the norms anymore.
  9. Lol seems like we get an extended summer every year so what's new. Last year we literally didn't get cold until January...
  10. Yeah the forecast really crapped the bed for last night and today. Wlos said no rain until Thursday. NWS said 20 percent chance. Rained on and off all night and has not stopped raining today at all.
  11. Im going to say I had 2 inches with a low of 22 this morning. For April 10th that is dang cold. Glad most saw some kind of winter weather.
  12. Im impressed at how well the ground has held the snow.
  13. You can see more energy working it's way through Tennessee now.
  14. Yep was just going to post the same. We had some nice squalls come through overnight.
  15. You can see the flow changing tonight. Got home and it's snowing moderately with the deck becoming covered.
  16. Yeah the wsw movement of the precipitation is prime for yall over there.
  17. Yeah the dynamics to these squalls are intriguing.
  18. Got a report it's snowing at the house. Even though it's April I love this weather.
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