The NAM has some very robust and impressive totals along the border counties. I think we are really seeing an uptick in snowfall because the model is catching onto the fetch of moisture coming across lake Michigan which will just feed directly into this northern vort.
Gsp of course waiting until tomorrow morning but hey we love our weather guys at the gsp.
The trends on the NAM are very telling. Asheville has continued to see an uptick in snowfall and this latest run really sees a much more uniform snow line across a large portion of the mountains. You can also see the connection from lake Michigan right into our mountain areas more and more with each run. The euro had this as well and each model run only strengthens this connection. Someone here in the mountains is getting a foot plus on this side. I just about guarantee that.
I've got no damn clue what yall are talking about with the gefs. Does it look horrible? Not to me. It doesn't look great but it's not far off. It kind of dumps the cold in the Midwest then bleeds east but Canada is cold so that's good. The eps to me is rock steady as she goes. Still looks much better than the crap we are currently in.
Of course the eps is fallible just like the GEFS and the cmc ensembles but just going by the verification scores recently the gfs has been behind by a significant bit. More so than in the past. But as you have greatly detailed a lot of uncertainty still remains with this possible change in the pattern or no change at all.
@Holston_River_Rambler has a great write up about the fetch of moisture coming off off Lake Michigan that yall should go read. Again we get hammered whenever the flow sets up this way.
The eps has been honking and honking about a model change from around the 20th or 22nd and the cmc ensembles have had it also which both those models have been scorching the gfs since its upgrad.
The freaking GFS is broke. The government turn of mediocre model into shit. Don't believe a dang thing that model spits out. The verification scores with that model since the upgrade have been atrocious.
Yeah and it's still snowing at hour 84 on the NAM. This isn't the NAM'S best hours but you have the cmc, euro, NAM, and gfs all look very good. It'll be interesting to see the NAM 3K Once this storm gets closer.
Good morning! These inversion events that we have we just kill it in temps. Having elevation and living in a bowl helps a lot with these events. Current temp is 21 degrees. A lot colder than forecasted.
Still a strong signal for upslope snow. I'd say anywhere from 2-4 inches to 3-6 in the highest elevations.
Also this squall line that will be blowing through could bring some pretty severe weather with it as well. Possibly high winds and some hail and torrential rainfall.