I know that short of a distance and that big of a temp spread is ridiculous. We had a heavy frost also. Almost looked like it snowed on the truck.... These microclimates can get crazy around here. I think what helps me is that we are in a bowl but the valley is directly in front of me. I think that helps to filter the cold in and out for us. We don't get trapped with the inversion in my opinion. But all that could just be BS lol.
Yeah with a solid snowpack in place, calm winds and the perfect setup for radiational cooling we dipped all the way to 8 degrees this morning. A solid cold morning.
We are a bit off from you I think because of one of the bands that just set in overnight. We are getting hammered now with heavy snowfall. It might help im in a bowl also with this NW flow. Might pick up another inch if this continues.
Yeah it has snowed all night and all morning. Still snowing. Not so much windy currently with a temp of 20 degrees. Measuring from the deck looks like around 7.5 to 8 inches. Im very happy with that. Also most roads in Haywood are a mess..completely snow covered and extremely slick.
Guys the rest of the night is going to be impressive. The forcing that is here and coming through is impressive. Buckle in because it's going to be a great night.
Yeah at sunset I watched the roads in Canton turn white on literally 10 minutes because of whiteout conditions. I know roads are white in Canton, Crabtree, Finest Creek, and the backroads along the river.