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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. And then a welcoming FU to begin February with a cutter on the 3rd.
  2. I can do 70s to 80F next month for a time. Then sign me up for March 2018.
  3. Regression is a... If I can manage < 6" for the season, I'll beat last year's 19.5" season's total.
  4. NYC weenies should be encouraged by the 12z GFS. @MJO812
  5. I'm ready to gamble on basically any other pattern other than one-eyed pigs. That said, maybe nature is just warming up her lungs for the big kahuna in our near future?
  6. Sure. Start high...can always adjust down.
  7. 3-4" would feel like a KU at this point. After 1/26, it looks like our next shot at anything waits until the first week of Feb...or even later? I'm told that northern stream dominant patterns can break right with very little notice though, so maybe something good pops with only 72-96 hours notice.
  8. 16 years ago today. One of the more special SNE storms in recent memory. Boy, time flies.
  9. 6z GFS mixing it up now. Whiff, whiff, cut, whiff, cut.
  10. Wow. I’m no economist, but that’s looks like quite the bubble. When this thing pops, look out.
  11. I run on Michelin Defenders all seasons. Great tire. Haven’t really tested them in the snow yet.
  12. 1/29 is one doozy out there in the Atlantic.
  13. What an amazingly frustrating period. Decent pattern and rolling snake eyes every single time.
  14. Maybe I luck out, but all I do is choose the image size when prompted. Typically, large is still well within the limits.
  15. I keep all seasons on all year. For the very few days I have to drive on snow packed roads (haven't yet this year), I just drive more cautiously & slowly.
  16. Nice...now I have to put you on ignore. J/k of course. Upload some pics when you can!
  17. Yeah...is there someone at the NWS that we can email to file a complaint with about the new radar technology? It's awful. How did that pass user testing? Did someone's nephew win the contract to upgrade it? It's beyond awful. It's unusable.
  18. Well shoot, but I agree. Besides maybe Ray, I’m in a pretty bad spot for this one. SW CT looks good for a few.
  19. Normally, I’d say that looks decent for at least advisory snows up to the Pike. Maybe even S NH. This winter, not so sure.
  20. At least the 6z GFS mixes it up. Now whiff, whiff, cutter, whiff, cutter.
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