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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. Pictures don’t do it justice. Surreal.
  2. I’ll be 89…can’t beat Rockport for that one.
  3. +0.5” (4/4/24) 12.4” will do it. *Last season beat this one by 0.1”. Threepeat next season?
  4. 9 hr drive back from Colebrook, NH. Still worth it.
  5. Thoughts on packing a shovel in case we need to shovel out a spot on the side of the road?
  6. Winters are warming. Summers are torching. Falls are shortening. Yet, April suck of yore remains just as sucky as I can ever remember.
  7. I highly doubt it’s directly related, but perhaps there is increased gravitational pull on the Earth’s surface during a new moon?? No idea.
  8. Just about to pull the plug on Rochester, NY…
  9. Yes. I’m expecting insane traffic post eclipse no matter which route we take back. Fill up with gas prior.
  10. Booked in N Conway. I’ll cancel whichever spot looks diciest.
  11. Any thoughts on booking in North Conway and then driving north? I can cancel either Rochester or North Conway up until 11:59pm the 5th.
  12. No kidding. We just endured our second non winter in a row here. Oh well.
  13. Can’t wait for this all to be well behind us here in SNE. Done with the 23-24 teases. Worst SNE winter of my life, beating out 01-02 and 11-12.
  14. Crud. The forecast for Rochester just went from mostly sunny to straight up cloudy. Abandon ship?
  15. Razors edge. Like you couldn’t draw it up better to be more of a tease for here. Haha
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