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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. Just wait for Stein to settle in and turn that all to brown tinder.
  2. To me…comfort is worth paying a little extra for the added AC.
  3. Already resorting to watering the lawn. Pee burn marks starting to show if it stays too dry.
  4. Lots of people out tonight for this. Mini eclipse. Nothing will surpass that though.
  5. I used to feel like summers were so long when I was younger. Now they are woefully too short. Blink and it will be Labor Day. Blink again and it’s Thanksgiving.
  6. 45-46F here still. We couldn’t get this type of chill in Feb!
  7. My work computer thinks dew season has arrived! TP stuck all over.
  8. Nice. Just 5.5 or so short months we start tracking those same (to be) leaves turn to their fall colors.
  9. The grass seed I put down is loving the stein and 32 degree mornings no doubt.
  10. That makes me just think of all the phone calls, endless forms, and waiting for repairs to be done in the aftermath.
  11. Glad I put grass seed down Sunday. The spigots turned off right at the same time.
  12. It’s SNE’s tear nuclei. Lots of tears just to your south after another non winter.
  13. I was just ahead of you by about 45 mins! Note the timestamp and dash showing 112. We were all out there together in the celestial KU. No snow KUs this season, so we made do.
  14. My camera roll shows this was taken at 9:48pm in North Woodstock, NH. We were about 6 hours in at that point with 4 to go.
  15. Anyone else feel like they’re in a post KU hangover? Back to work tomorrow too…
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