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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. 55 and a low January sun angle can feel pretty chilly.
  2. I had that in my mulch bed last week. I thought it was something more ominous, but glad to learn it’s harmless.
  3. Lots of 80F dew points showing up on the WU maps. I used to think that was only achievable in Thailand. Nope, not anymore.
  4. Don’t you mean down in S Weymouth? Right @Damage In Tolland?
  5. Just did 13.5 and still feel good. Top 10er today.
  6. Ha. I did the same with my last patch of snow…in January.
  7. Sweet. Another non-winter on tap. I’m beginning to forget what a real winter looks like at this point.
  8. I like the dry 80 degree Feb days we’ve had recently.
  9. 80F dew points becoming more common? We Thailand now.
  10. I was planning a long run today too, but woke up too late.
  11. Thanks for all the best wishes and supportive posts. Yeah, he’s going to beat this. Happy Father’s Day!
  12. My dad just finished day one of chemo. Man, does cancer suck. Like really, really suck. I knew it sucked, but until it hit home, I didn’t realize the magnitude of suck. Hope everyone out there is having a nice Saturday. Enjoy the nice weather, your health, your family and friends, and forget the rest. Sorry to get all mushy…it’s just been a roller coaster few weeks.
  13. I was at my nephews Little League game last week and this was all some of the mothers talked about for at least 3.5 innings. lol
  14. We water the grass. Heat and stein coming.
  15. SSTs already in the low 60s at Good Harbor Beach. Normal is mid 50s for this date. Things are changing quickly.
  16. That looks almost identical to where my mom was born in Italy.
  17. I was supposed to be down there this week for work, but had to stay back to deal with family stuff. Toasty in Disney.
  18. What a crappy week. My dad ended up in the hospital and docs found spots, leading to a likely cancer diagnosis. Awaiting the biopsy results to see where it is and how advanced. It’s not all bad though. He’s in good spirits and he’s actually being discharged today. Taking it a day at a time. Enjoying every good moment. Every text or call back and forth with him talking about the Celtics or whatever mundane stuff there is to talk about. He’s a fighter and only 67, so he’s still got a lot of life in him. Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend and doesn’t take anything for granted. #f*ckcancer
  19. Stuck in Newfoundland’s anus today. Tip called it.
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