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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. My mom texted this earlier…Happy Rocktober.
  2. Kind of feels like Christmas Eve out there tonight. Upper 50s and light rain.
  3. Didn’t say there has been. I was just saying what it was like in Columbus.
  4. Just got back from Columbus, OH. They are in a drought too. Grass is hay. It was also in the 80s to 90 all week. Low 90s this weekend. I’m all set with that this time of the year.
  5. We need some rain. It’s been so dry, we cannot even muster morning dew.
  6. That 10 second clip probably shows half of my expected snow for 24-25.
  7. Thanks everyone for the kind words. This is a new kind of hurt. It’s deep, but I know he’s in a better place free from pain. He left this world a little better than when he got here.
  8. Lost my dad to cancer yesterday after a short three month battle. He passed away peacefully at MGH. Last week, we were just talking about tuning up his snow blower for this season. Losing a parent, and one that I was so close to, is so hard. Going to miss the big guy.
  9. You know…if folks out west just raked their forests and mountains, we wouldn’t have to deal with all this wildfire smoke.
  10. Ray said the 2030s should bring some snow again.
  11. No canes allowed that week. I’ll be overseas for work and don’t need a message to come through that a tree found itself into my living room.
  12. May start buying the presale items. I tried to time the COVID bottom and that turned out like a fart in church.
  13. Everything is about to go on sale! Buy good companies at a discount if you can.
  14. At least we’re getting a soaking drizzle now.
  15. I’ve been hand watering my little patch of grass. It’s getting very steiny out there.
  16. I work for the gov’t. It amazes me how some folks think we’re capable of amassing these complex conspiracies. In reality, I’m amazed that we’re able to just keep the lights on lol
  17. Nah…that’s just how some upstate NYers park their cars after having a few cold ones at Applebees.
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