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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. I’m right there with you. Serious cold drain this morning. Down to 30F near the water in Salem.
  2. If we all make it to 2030. I am mentally prepared for another ratter. I recall it didn’t look good for this season at the end of last season. I’ll take whatever we can muster, but I’m not expecting much. Last winter was a week of “winter” during MLK week and then it was over.
  3. Sounds like you’re in the anger phase. I was there too a few years ago. I have now worked my way all the way to the acceptance phase. A couple more ratters and you’ll accept it too.
  4. I haven’t looked at any model output in two seasons. This will likely be the third. I used to check the NCEP site every six hours back in the day when it actually snowed.
  5. I don’t think it’s just this field. Stupid is all the rage these days.
  6. Colder look arrives the week of Christmas. Let’s go for gold.
  7. 0.5” new (12/8/24) 0.5” season to date
  8. At least folks won’t feel the need to lecture those of us that weren’t around in the ‘80s about how austere winters can be.
  9. Can a brotha get a Scooter shit streak out of Quebec when we actually want it? I’m sure we’ll get it later in the season to push a storm south to Philly.
  10. First flakes. Hoping to surpass last year’s total of a whopping 12.5”
  11. Congrats to everyone north, west, and south of here. The coast’s revenge will be great once we get a cold nor’easter with OE enhancement.
  12. The 18th is my birthday. Let’s keep it going so I can wear shorts out that day.
  13. Next week looks downright springlike with showers and temps upward of 60F?
  14. 14-15 was my last decent winter. I missed 16-17 in Virginia. The rest up here have been blah on the coast. Lost count, but I don’t think I broke a foot for seasonal snow last winter. Same the winter before. Garbage.
  15. Curtains for us on the coast for at least the next three weeks. Hate to see it.
  16. AEMATT porked again. I can hear the shouting coming all the way from S Weymouth.
  17. Meanwhile, getting any snow to fall in coastal Massachusetts requires an act of Congress. We tired.
  18. It’s kind of nice knowing I have zero shot with this. Hoping the Hills can squeeze out an inch or three before the cold.
  19. Let’s get some snow on the ground to go with the cold. It’s been a sh!t year for me personally, so maybe Mother Nature can manifest some holiday cheer for once.
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