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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. I step away for an hour and we’ve already lost hope?
  2. It’s begun. A family member just texted me asking how many feet of snow we are getting next week.
  3. Not that I put much stock into TWC 10-day forecasts, I do use them to identify trends. The post 2/23 period has definitely turned decidedly colder/snowier. Let's see if it can hold.
  4. Can we point to one or more large scale features for why winter never showed up this year? We had good patterns that ended up 40F and sun and then rained. We’ve had bad luck. We’ve had extreme cold, followed by rain. This is basically a Virginia winter.
  5. The winter that never was and never will rolls on.
  6. Just landed at Logan. Looks like a summer morning!
  7. Low 70s today here in Columbus, OH. Tree buds swelling.
  8. By futility, I mean has BOS surpassed 1936-37 (?) seasonal SF. I think it’s right around 9.5”, give or take a couple tenths of an inch. I’m not sure where BOS stands on the season right now.
  9. I lost track. Did BOS beat futility with 1/23?
  10. My old thermometer recorded -12F at my parents in Rockport last night. Pretty impressive. Now back to 40s/50s and rain until about Memorial Day.
  11. Don’t worry. The old man will see himself to the door at 0z.
  12. Interesting. Potentially warmest ever with no pig or substantial large scale pattern impetus, right? I mean nothing like 2011-2012. Bad luck or is this the new normal starting to rear its ugly head? I think the WC ridging being too far west screwed us over. Oh well, probably a little bad luck mixed with a changing climate.
  13. I enjoy big warmth in winter even more while tracking legit threats. There’s nothing like a day in the 60s, seeing folks enjoying the weather, but knowing there’s an imminent storm/cold.
  14. Please. We pray. Baseball tryouts by Presidents Day.
  15. She *may* walk away from this from a legal standpoint. Temporary insanity would be a valid defense. It sounds like her condition was well documented. She’ll never be able to walk away from this from a human standpoint. I feel awful for everyone.
  16. I got 0.0” in Rockport with that one. No thanks.
  17. 0.4” that sublimated before most even noticed?
  18. 0.5” new 11” on the season Nearing 1’ on the season
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