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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. Fine by me. Let’s just do dry with sun and little wind.
  2. Might be time to kick off the lawn thread up there too. Time for lime?
  3. We’re now at about 2 years where it is like pulling teeth trying to get 3+ in a single event. FFS already.
  4. Same. One event while I’m off at the end of December would be so nice. Maybe next year.
  5. I think we’re quickly moving the goalposts from a near normal season to solidly below. This doesn’t mean we can’t have a good/fun stretch at some point. Not sure of a true rat yet. Today is just another day where it feels and smells like we’re mid-rat.
  6. Warming up in the extended. November pushes forward into January. I feel like I’m living in the Mid Atlantic again
  7. TP season is near. I’ll start rooting for a rat within the next few weeks if we’re still sitting with little.
  8. Wrapping up November Part 2 this weekend. Hints of a rat growing stronger day by day. Week by week. Nearing piss or get off the pot time.
  9. 18z GFS less interesting for Friday night.
  10. Regression is a b!tch. Merry Christmas!
  11. Was that just the Corey Pestaturo the accordion player from RI on 98.5 just now?
  12. This winter is starting shape up like the 23-24 Patriots. Hopes for something decent to begin. Hopes slowly fade. Now actively rooting against them, hoping for a better draft pick. Add another credit to the regression bank?
  13. Hmm…I see some listed seasons that were real ratters here.
  14. Jan 13, 2000 was the first measurable (or 1”) at BOS that winter I believe.
  15. If we’re basically shut out by 1/10 and we’re entering a more hostile look by then, my money will be on a rat. I’m not there yet, but getting close.
  16. I bought two just in case one isn’t enough.
  17. January 1 - Dec 31, 2023 was a complete dud wrt snowfall. Onto 2024.
  18. That’s one ugly end of week storm next week on the GFS.
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