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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. Let this thing cut and wipe us out clean. I’ll start fresh and wait for the big ‘un Ray promised for a few weeks from now.
  2. Pattern looks decent after the disaster on the 10th at least.
  3. Just noticed that BOX is going for an inch or less here (Salem/Beverly). Rockport does better on their map. That would be a lousy outcome for certain.
  4. I like it turning to slop at the end. Let’s get some meat to this pack and then freeze it solid mid month.
  5. 1/10 looks like a decent SWFE now. I wouldn’t be shocked if we get more snow out of that than from 1/7.
  6. The trolls will be on as the snow is falling to let us know it will all be vaporized with the rainer on the 10th.
  7. Joke is on the Braves. I would have settled for a box of Saltines for Sale.
  8. Closing the shades. Reassess around 1/20.
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