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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. Pulling for CNE and NNE on this one. I’m all set with a messy slop fest personally, if I had my choice. Ten years ago, sure, slop was good. Now, it’s more of a nuisance to daily life that isn’t wanted. Now, if the boundary can slip far enough south of us to give SNE mostly snow, let’s go. We’d need a break though. HP slipping E doesn’t fill me with tons of confidence.
  2. This cold snap achieved one thing. SSTs dropped 2-3F in the past week. Every degree matters on the coast. Good Harbor (Gloucester) is down to 41F.
  3. Thanks…heading to the store to load up on bread, milk, and booze now.
  4. Happy 19th anniversary of one of the good ones that helped shaped me into being the weather weenie I am today. *1/22/2005
  5. Does Friday clear out and shoot to 55F+. Half day of work and hoping to enjoy it. If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em I guess.
  6. For this reason, this got me. Nearly spit out my coffee.
  7. Looks like Feb 2015 here. Those were the days.
  8. If you’re current on your tetanus shots, just enjoy it. Maybe we catch a break. I’m traveling Feb 4-9, so let’s get it in before then.
  9. Only 10 more days to go! Tip has been honking about a 1/30 signal.
  10. When I hear ice storm from DIT, my eyes glaze over in the same manner as when I hear about severe from Wiz during the warm season.
  11. I’ve had gas last longer than 5-10 days. Nothing a match or two couldn’t fix. Let’s see if we can score a point or two with the clock running out in a less than favorable look.
  12. All of a sudden I have a hankering for Chinese. 28F and dim sun here too.
  13. We’ll be telling our grandkids about living through the lean snow years of the 2020s…
  14. A GOA low and Baringer running in to punt Feb?!
  15. I’m approaching the point of the season where I was at Week 6 with the 2023 NE Patriots. Might as well tank it and hope for draft picks. Add another regression deposit to the bank.
  16. Looks like we took a step back overnight. And man, the end of the 6z GFS looks like a springtime map. CONUS on fire with New England the only cold (and dry) spot. Perhaps a sneaky DD or two next week while we straddle the boundary with temps shooting into the 50s for those potential DD days. That’s about as much as we can hope for at this point. Fire up the February 2024 thread! We’re done here.
  17. And no coastal taint. I don’t think I’ve had an all snow event of 4+ in at least a few years.
  18. Agree. I’d feel better from Dendrite land on north. We will see how this shakes out. Eventually things will need to break in our favor to balance out.
  19. I know we’re all jaded, but that 18z GFS run was pure winter for SNE north. Snowy overrunning system Wed. More snow Friday. Another pulse late weekend/Mon. Then the Arctic hounds are unleashed. I don’t know how the GEFS look…but that was a nice OP run.
  20. They’re the same folks that reply all to yell at the people who previously replied all. Despicable if you ask me.
  21. Stay safe. May the bust, if any, be in your favor.
  22. I spent 2016-2017 in NOVA. We had 1” of SLEET in mid March that winter. That’s it. That was the winter. After that, I moved to the Mid Atlantic of Massachusetts. Cape Ann. 2014-2015 was my last good winter. It’s been a decade of regression for me. The 12z GFS man HP would save next week. Either get us on the cold side or blast through with the warmth. No straddling the line with 38F rain/drizzle.
  23. Friday is a miss. Next week features 40s and rain. Maybe NNE ski slopes can avoid the worst.
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