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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. At least I’m not alone with this feeling. I know exactly how you both feel.
  2. +1” (1/29) 11” on the season. *1.6” more needed to beat last season.
  3. Let the outlook go. I need some mildish sun soon or I may lose it.
  4. I'd take a weekend KU (if I had my choice) to round off Feb. Close schools on a Monday and then warm it up as we head into Morch.
  5. Fire up the Winter 2024-2025 thread? Can we get #7 in a row?
  6. Took this getting off 93 by the Hard Rock. Anyone recall how much of a cluster it was driving in the city? Every intersection was a nightmare. Those were the days.
  7. Interior looks decent for a good serving of mashed potatoes. Us coastal dwellers probably need to wait a while longer. Maybe an inch or three here Monday, enough to be a nuisance.
  8. Wow. I just checked my old stomping grounds. High of 77F today. Late January. Yikes.
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