Regression is a b!tch! Maybe we get a good event in 2 weeks. Maybe we don't. I, for one, will enjoy 50s/60s late week, next weekend. Traveling for work next week and it looks like sun and 50s where I'm heading, so we sping for now.
The overcast got bright for a couple hours earlier. The sun even peeked through. I could feel my mood actually improving. Now back to the dark overcast. FFS this sucks.
I haven’t had a snow pack last longer than perhaps a week since about 2014-2015 back in Woburn. Crazy when you think about it. Virginia, Rockport, and now two crap winters in Salem…
Just a skim coating from the OES here. The coast isn’t the spot for retention though. Pack city is just inland. In fact, the coast really isn’t the spot for falling snow either. But just away from the coast…
Putting up a goose egg (or damn near) in one of the four winter months does not help your cause of hitting climo SF. Fact. Let’s move on from this debate. I know this period sucks, but man…every winter.