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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. Indoor temp was 61 when I left this morning. I’m hoping some sun breaks out to warm the house a few degrees because we’ll lose several tonight.
  2. Found it. 11/2/14 https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.necn.com/news/new-england/Noreaster-Pounds-Coastal-New-England-281246021.html%3famp=y
  3. Autumn coastal storms are a good sign heading into winter. We take.
  4. Dropped to 49F with a decent squall pushing through.
  5. North Conway was crazy packed last weekend. Probably another big tourist weekend coming up again.
  6. I think that was just at the Beverly Air Show. That flew over my house multiple times.
  7. Since October 1st is tomorrow, I thought it’s a good time to start this thread and retire the summer banter thread.
  8. Any tire experts out there? Need new all season tires for my SUV. 265/60R18 110T The all season Michelin Premier LTX tires it came with are worn after 23k.
  9. Full on summer in Dallas this week. Looking forward to the cooler weather this weekend before heading to full on summer again in Orlando next week.
  10. In Dallas this week. Just a casual mid to upper 90s every day. Between yesterday through Friday, I’ll experience nearly half of the 90 degree days that BOS has so far this season.
  11. Mid 50s here with some drizzle at 10:30AM. Feels like summer is a distant memory.
  12. What do we think of Trump’s doctored Dorian storm track with a penned in extension of the cone of uncertainty into AL? All this to support a tweet of his? Yikes
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