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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. Yup. Hoping for a frigid nor’easter this winter where we can add 6-12 from ocean enhancement alone.
  2. Hopefully you inland folks get another several. I see myself never getting below 34-35.
  3. Meh Doubt I get an inch. Maybe two tops. Nexxxt!
  4. Snowing again in Boston per the Charles River webcam.
  5. Don’t worry. Dr. Dews is calling for 70s soon in the other thread.
  6. No scientific basis, just a feeling...round 2 will fall short here. Mayyyybe we coat the grass later.
  7. The Pats offense is pure garbage. Utterly horrific.
  8. That 15.9” near Gloucester ain’t happening. All of that would have to come from part 2. Ain’t happening!
  9. I’ll take that 18z EURO hiccup. Round 1 laid an egg. Hoping for a few from round 2.
  10. Straight rain. 34F. Can’t even muster a skim coating.
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