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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. Looking forward to snow chances increasing around my birthday 12/18 and beyond. Looks promising for a possible white Christmas. This grinch period couldn’t be timed better.
  2. A few hour break free of mist at 60 degrees in the afternoon works for me. If it isn’t go long to snow, at least you can get outside for a bit.
  3. Banana hammocks and pina coladas type cutter or just dank and gray?
  4. A complete fluff bomb. I remember watching it from the window at school thinking that looks a little heavier than an couple inches.
  5. Looks active with cold over us or nearby. I’ll take it.
  6. Tell your neighbor we don’t install until 4/1 per DIT’s orders.
  7. 18z NAM shows the little critter for Friday.
  8. Hi Kevin, can you update my location to Rockport? The drop down only allowed me to select Woburn. TIA!
  9. If anyone gets into them, it’ll be me. 5-6” new Probably will pull off 7-8” before it ends. A big time win in my book after getting nothing for round one.
  10. HRRR gives E MA the shaft. Can’t make this stuff up.
  11. I know. Still stings when the goods are so close.
  12. I’ll echo Ray...no need for that. What an unpleasant start to the season for us coastal dwellers.
  13. Completely? Stopped tracking earlier this afternoon. Still trying to get a coating down here.
  14. I’m thinking 2-5” here. GL to the rest of you.
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