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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. 18z GFS shows how we walk the line with a less than ideal Pacific. Verbatim overrunning snow to rain for the 17/18th then more potential around Christmas.
  2. GFS potentially in la la land. Snow exits the coast around noon.
  3. That would be a nice birthday present for me.
  4. 12z borderline Christmas miracle followed by full on HHH weather Dr. Dews style. A little bit of something for everyone.
  5. Why SWS, when you can go Hazardous Weather Outlook ?
  6. Snow pack is obliterated here. Back to fall/spring browns.
  7. I was thinking the same thing. That’s pretty good in my book!
  8. We snow Wednesday. Let the end of week stuff sort itself out. The period after next weekend looks promising.
  9. Nammy looked like it would be good for midweek snows.
  10. Wetter as in more QPF or wetter as in rainier?
  11. Just saying that each winter has a unique personality. Some winters nothing breaks right. Others throw a bone here and there. Then the real good ones break just right in every pattern/with every storm.
  12. Total weenie comment, but if this breaks right for most, then I think we know what this winter’s personality will be like. Starting to feel pretty good.
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