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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. I feel the same. Defeated. NAM would bring some clipper goodies to AEMATT that got porked today. Counting on a timely transfer this season probably isn’t worth the energy.
  2. Trace (2/13) 11.1” on the season. Outside shot of finishing less than last season.
  3. Nice event for the southern peeps. Us North Shore peeps will wait some more. Hopefully not another 717 days…
  4. This winter isn’t fooling me anymore. She’s smelled like a rat since the beginning. I hoped she’d change, but nope. We move onto the nape days. Late week clippers look like crap for SNE. Whenever the primary is west of us, we ain’t snowing here.
  5. Don’t worry. It’s just raining here too. This winter can go screw itself. Happy for those south and west of here though.
  6. $hit, phuck, @%$, €o$£$&@$&, €i&$!!! Regression (Didn’t want to clutter the main threads…you’re welcome)
  7. I’m too jaded to care. If this is the last hurrah, I’m probably finishing another season around 20”. EDIT: I’m sitting at 11.1” on the season.
  8. We’re only at a beep. Let’s honk at D4-D5. That’s when our best events show up (out of seemingly nowhere when potential is underlying)
  9. This will get folks excited to ski during Feb vacation. The snow isn’t going anywhere fast after it falls. Winter period incoming and then let’s flip the switch to days like today once we indeed flip.
  10. At this point, I could be in the end zone with the refs indicating touchdown and I’d still be scanning the field for any flags to call it back!
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