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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. Definitely feels like last season right now.
  2. Disclaimer...I fully expect rain here. Maybe Ray scores some IP?
  3. Looking decent for CNE and NNE. At least it any rain looks limited. SNE and coastal folks, next...
  4. In other words, the pattern is serviceable.
  5. 12/31 has potential. EURO was a snower for most with some latitude.
  6. January 2018 bomb cyclone without a doubt!
  7. Hoping that can cut. I’ll be in Ohio 1/5-9
  8. Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Merry Christmas!
  9. Thanks for the idea. It’s needed this season apparently.
  10. Winter cancel. No more clogging up the discussion threads with whining weenie posts.
  11. If we’re canceling winter, let’s do it 11-12 style. Dry and warm. Better than mild and raw/wet.
  12. Crocuses popping later next week?! Dr. Dews incoming!
  13. You forgot weenies roasting on the grill.
  14. Next dates of interest include 12/29-30 and 1/5-6. ZZZ’s till then.
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