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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. Feels like a late spring night out there. Pansy popped today in the rocks in my yard. Sits in the sun all day. Crazy!
  2. Mid 60s by the beach. Warmer than most days in June here!!!
  3. The sun is about to break out here. How high will we go? Torch spots 65+
  4. I hope so. 5” on 12/3 is the biggest event so far here.
  5. EURO is probably over amped. I still wouldn’t expect more than a slushy inch or two as this pushes offshore.
  6. Dang. Not looking good for my Sunday 9am flight out of BOS. Perfect timing.
  7. I hate to be that guy, but what’s the timing of this? 9AM flight out of BOS on Sunday...
  8. You are correct. We snooze for a while.
  9. What a difference between here and Winter Hill. We spring!
  10. 0.5” sleet 11.0” YTD (and December)
  11. Looks like this “room” will be getting some use over the next few weeks...
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