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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. Hopefully the Canadians and Brits are just hitting the sauce in despair following the Royal turmoil.
  2. It sounds like this was either a step towards a POS system or just a burp in the broader trend to move the ULL further S&E, lending more weight to more substantial solutions. Favored area remains the eastern slopes of the interior.
  3. Muthafukkas still high. BOS, BED, BVY at 6 ORH at 1+6 LWM at the 8
  4. Easterly flow, tucked in SLP...seems longitude will be just as important as latitude. Maybe I’m off on this?
  5. I’d be more confident if sig snows in NYC than BOS at this early stage.
  6. We get flooding on clear days with astronomical high tides now. Anecdotal but it’s really ramped up in the past 3 years or so.
  7. Euro showing its dig happy bias at this lead time?
  8. GFS looked decent to me. Plenty of time left...some forget how bad this looked just 48 hrs ago. OT- Boston is turning into SF. The days when a 100k salary was enough may be over. Good or bad, super commutes will be more common. Telework needs to be more common too.
  9. If there was ever a time to score in a marginal setup, me thinks late January would be the best.
  10. H5 way better than yesterday when it was over NNE. Now it’s over the south coast.
  11. I’m all for a coastal. Even if it’s rain here, let’s crank up the seas.
  12. Maybe. That’s some high pressure up in QUE. Climo nadir, HP in QUE, I think even coastal locations are game.
  13. That’s not a terrible look on the GFS I must say. Way better than the cutter it has been showing.
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