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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. Politicians that exhibit hypocritical behavior? Oh the humanity!
  2. Exactly. I work from home 4 days a week. That’s a big reduction in my carbon footprint. I’ve had many a conference calls in footy pajamas.
  3. So...you’re saying we should make it easier to recycle old smart phones? Or we should research alternative ways of producing phones because of their ill effects on the environment? Hmm...substitute smart phone with fossil fuels in the above statement and you agree we need to get off petroleum. And for coldmiser...obviously we’d need to ween ourselves off petroleum. We’re addicted. It will come though. Those in the fossil fuel industry will figure out how to make money with green energy. I’m confident in that.
  4. Dude, just because some advocate for green energy doesn’t mean they will drive solar powered cars and grow all their food in their organic gardens. We’re all part of a larger society. Societal changes need public support. Public support impacts public policy. Governments lead the charge when costs are prohibitive for private industry. Eventually private industry joins the market with ideas once costs make the alternative forms of energy feasible. Until that energy revolution, even green energy proponents will drive gas powered cars and go to Market Basket. And yes, communicate with the outside world with smart phones. Conference calls with cups and string would be the real logistical nightmare!
  5. Again, what’s the harm in getting off fossil fuels? Maybe it’s a marketing deficiency. Instead of marketing it as a CC remedy, maybe we should market it as energy independence. What’s more patriotic than independence? 12z GFS better show a bomb lol
  6. But really? Let’s say CC proponents are incorrect and this is a natural cycle of warming. What’s the harm? Quicker transition to alternative forms of energy. Less reliance on fossil fuels/Middle East? Now let’s say CC deniers are incorrect. What’s the harm? Rising carbon emissions, accelerated climate change, rising sea levels, reliance on fossil fuels/Middle East. Seems like a no brainer, but I digress. On topic, when southern AK is -50F, we aren’t winter like in the East. Hope the ensembles are correct in breaking down the current pattern.
  7. I’d need to build an ark if something like the GFS verified. Rain, wind, and surge.
  8. Maybe not. Hopefully it goes to crap quickly like today’s if it has to go to crap. I call today’s rainer a courteous crapper.
  9. Tossed. All guidance is tossed until further notice.
  10. DIT be like Rain to Maine to partly cloudy is all on the table for a day 8 forecast.
  11. Half? Maybe the entire forum? Man, it looks pretty bleak overall for winter weather for the foreseeable future.
  12. Too progressive on the GFS to shut anything down.
  13. Those are some nice looking cutters in the extended on the 6z GFS.
  14. We know when to fold ‘em. Let’s just limit the rain and maybe salvage some part of the weekend.
  15. Many may go 60+ days with just a pedestrian SWFE in the heart of winter to show for it. Regression depression.
  16. The locker room manager never even offered me a towel. So I don’t have one to toss.
  17. Looks like SNE closes the shades until 2/1 or later for our next chance.
  18. Probably over for even you outside some sloppy seconds? Better to ghost us now than lead us on until 36-48 hrs out.
  19. Well, coastal SNE lines up to punt on 4th and 3.
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