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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. It means it won’t stem wind up into the Great Lakes.
  2. Where’s Jerry?! Big muthafukkas posted! BED, BVY, BOS = 4+8 LWM = 6+8 ORH = 8+8 Hours 132-156 from the GFS.
  3. Sweet. How many weeks/months until the first major cities outside of China are put on lockdown? Should make for an interesting Spring.
  4. That’s about perfect. We get our 60s and then we get our snow.
  5. Gotta spend that money. Otherwise next year’s budget gets reduced.
  6. I guess you’re right. One of these probably will break favorably. Anyway, it’s not like we have any control over it.
  7. Same. Sun and 50s/60s would be more than welcome.
  8. Great, next week is now doomed. Joking aside, sinking boundary probably bodes well for those N of KCON.
  9. March 15th is my date if it doesn’t appear anything is imminent.
  10. There’s DIT’s ice. I’m sure the late week threat will be a lovely 37F rain here. Either snow or warm sector. My preference, not that it makes a difference.
  11. Whoops. I was commenting on that Kazichstan video a few pages back. Forgot to quote it.
  12. Yeah...but for for what? Maybe for something like 2018? https://weather.com/forecast/national/news/2018-02-16-big-temperature-contrasts-mid-february-record-cold-northwest
  13. Pete B going for near 60F early next week. We approve.
  14. Deal. I’ll ban myself from posting for 60 days if Boston records 4” or more.
  15. This is really starting to remind me of a Virginia winter. Pure crap.
  16. Weenie comment, but this threat is garbage. More power to you if you’re still hoping for a Hail Mary.
  17. I must have lost my weenie goggles because this still looks like dog doo doo for 99% of the forum.
  18. Sweet. Arctic chill interspersed with rainy cutters.
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