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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. Do coastal folks get any love or is this an interior threat?
  2. Take the guidance with the most boring output and run with it. May this winter end already.
  3. A fitting end to a pathetic season. Plowable will probably be a few towns inland from me.
  4. The cop from NYC said it ain’t happening.
  5. Not for NYC. Looked like interior SNE, CNE and NNE will have some snow chances next week through the end of the month.
  6. Basically the year without a winter here on the coast. Pretty eerie if you ask me.
  7. Got some good shots of Rockport and Gloucester today on the way out.
  8. Any snow chances down south? If so, I called this a couple weeks ago.
  9. Overseas markets were down as much as 8% overnight in England and Germany.
  10. Nobody is saying it’s his fault. He does set the tone for the country though. When he says not to worry, it’s a hoax, yada yada yada, that’s not leadership. That’s just dangerous. If he can’t lead, step the heck back and let the adults handle it. He can claim credit for solving this after...
  11. I agree. We are fortunate to live in one of the best states for this type of event.
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