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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. No worries. We’ll get our fair share of QPF in the frozen form from late blooming Miller B’s in a few months, while the west sniffs cirrus.
  2. Dang. Sunday football has been a welcomed distraction. Hopefully this is contained quickly.
  3. I equate increased business travel with a return to normalcy economically speaking. Once companies start sending employees around the country, we’ll (hopefully) be in a good/safer spot.
  4. I wonder when business travel will resume in earnest. All trips are canceled through the end of the calendar year for me. Maybe some time next spring?
  5. My little bro is moving into the North End on Thursday. You all can thank him for the end of the drought.
  6. No more nice lush green lawns either. DIT may as well put the pickup on cinder blocks in the front yard to complete the transformation.
  7. 1938 redux followed by lake effect snows in upstate NY. A weenie’s dream run.
  8. Temp up to 53F after falling to 41F about 90 minutes ago.
  9. Through Morch I’d say. Then 40s and misery mist/flakes till mid May.
  10. Nah...if it comes down hard enough, it’ll stick.
  11. That’s almost too much haha. I remember being sick of the snow by the end of 14-15. Blasphemous I know. Now I can’t buy a good storm.
  12. Worldometers just surpassed 200,000 COVID deaths in the US.
  13. Agree. If it limits warmth during the day and doesn’t affect cooling at night, that’s definitely a net cooling effect.
  14. DIT better not be mowing that tinder box. One spark and there goes the massif.
  15. You may need to dig that up and go to desert landscaping next spring if your dry winter call pans out.
  16. Sort of. This isn’t Iran or Russia where dissenters disappear or get poisoned though. Be thankful for that.
  17. Well said. I support the players who kneel and I support those on the other end of the spectrum that respectfully criticize that move. It’s called the 1st Amendment. Speaking our minds without fear of retribution is what makes this country great.
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