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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. Let’s get the fall coastals going and ease our way nicely into the cold weather season. Fall coastals are a hallmark of some of our good seasons.
  2. Let’s time that for about 5 days later. Trying to avoid a ratter you know.
  3. Just think of how green the lawns would be in Tolland once his 30 ft melts off in June.
  4. Garbage 5” here last Dec that dropped 20”+ inland. Yuck.
  5. All in, still about 3x as expensive as your “couple hundy” estimate though.
  6. The big one (Yukon) is on sale for $479 now. Stand costs $67, cover $52...adds up.
  7. My sister and bro in law rave about their solo stove. Saw it in action for the first time yesterday. Impressive, yet expensive.
  8. Haha I like that small talk. I hate forced small talk when you see an acquaintance. The Larry David stop and chat. We don’t like. Beautiful morning in North Conway. Heading back. Traffic is insane up here
  9. Awkward small talk is part of the human condition. I agree though. Sometimes I want no part of it either. Lol
  10. Lol. I thought it meant coastal job on this forum. I guess we don’t like to keep it PG.
  11. Gaslighting is the word of the day for 2020.
  12. Looks like a middle finger to the AEMATT crowd.
  13. Congrats! Must feel like the last day of school on steroids!
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