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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. Maybe we bump this thread in 2026 to reminisce? We don’t pull the trigger on October snows until you see the whites of the dendrites (or sloppy aggregates).
  2. No QBs either apparently. Stidham looked atrocious. Back to Hoyer?
  3. If Trump loses, but refuses to concede or if the election still hasn’t been called, I can see that. Collapsing democracy superseding collapsing healthcare system coverage? Possible.
  4. Dude. The >80k cases yesterday are fake? I do think once Biden wins, some Republicans will start shouting from the roof tops about how bad it is out there and how Biden isn’t doing enough.
  5. Right. Seems like this is now becoming widespread across the board. Not just one really hard hit region like in the Spring. We can divert resources to help one or two or three hard hit regions. But if we go haywire across the board, tough decisions will have to be made. Next 8 weeks will be huge.
  6. We bury our guns and body parts around here. Otherwise, the tide brings them back in. Just gotta watch out for those canines.
  7. Freaking doored here right as I finish the workday. 54F and fog.
  8. N CT weenie still there, but no longer red with rage.
  9. Let’s strip the stigma and tax away. (Pun intended)
  10. I wish. 12/3’s 5” lasted all of about 3 days before vaporizing. Longest stretch of snow cover all winter. Granted, I’m pretty heavily marine influenced.
  11. Dang. The longest period of continuous snow cover here last winter was about 72 hours.
  12. Who needs Will when we have this Google machine? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2014/11/02/nor-easter-causes-power-outages-flooding/pKAmGzoKkeYWTzbhObygYL/story.html%3foutputType=amp
  13. I think Oct snow in NNE is actually a good sign. Anecdotally at least.
  14. That was just about my biggest snowfall all of last season! (5” on 12/3)
  15. Very true! You, my friend, have the mindset of a stable genius! Bravo!
  16. Here we go again. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/patriots-cancel-friday-practice-after-a-positive-covid-19-test-per-report/amp/
  17. I see Albania is welcoming Americans...
  18. Is Canada still keeping us southerners out of their country?
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