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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. Domestic terrorism has no place in our society or any society for that matter. Time to flush out the hate.
  2. Legal shenanigans aside, I think it’s likely we have President-elect Biden before the 0z GFS rolls out tonight.
  3. COVID winter with curfews starting tomorrow. I’ll take some warmth.
  4. Arizona may very well go to Trump. Game isn’t over yet IMO.
  5. It’s a legit summery night out. Not hating it.
  6. Today’s weather would be perfect for Thanksgiving. Mother Nature can throw us a bone?
  7. Nevada reports at noonish eastern. Hopefully they’re done counting.
  8. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2020/11/04/us/politics/justice-department-armed-officers-election.amp.html%3f0p19G=6214 Who’s up for a soft coup?
  9. Socialism is evil when others get handouts...not when “I” get what I’m entitled to.
  10. NV dumping a bunch of votes at 9pm ET. AZ supposed to much more clear by then too. MI may be called as early as tonight or tomorrow, pending Trump’s attempt to stop the count.
  11. When you pay more federal income taxes in two paychecks than the billionaire President for the year he won the WH, something is wrong.
  12. Got it...generally the same boilerplate, generic Republican positions I hear from most friends and family who lean right. Curious, which type of regs would you abolish? I will say that I’m glad Trump avoided getting pulled into any overseas conflicts in his four years. Foreign policy blunders? Yes, but at least we’re not sending our men and women to fight in a manufactured war.
  13. Agree. If Trump could just act more reasonable and take COVID semi seriously, he would have won huge last night.
  14. I’ll bite. Healthcare/expansion of ACA...reforming the student loan system/increase affordable higher education programs & the trades...campaign finance reform, get dark money out of politics...rejoin the Paris agreement...bolster relationships with allies...call out adversaries, impose sanctions on those who interfere in our elections...race relations, turn down the heat on the insightful rhetoric. And then I’m certain he will handle COVID in a competent manner, getting the economy back on track. Keeping middle class taxes the same or less. (<$400k income). Bolstering SS and Medicare...increased access to voting rights for all. Just a couple things off the top of my head. Not a fan of fracking that he backs...
  15. Sorry. What you state above is what’s shady. Just saying shady stuff is going on doesn’t make it true. That rhetoric will just divide is more and cause potential violence/civil unrest. I can only think of one person overseas that would really want to see that scenario play out.
  16. Agree. AZ, NV, WI, and MI is game over. GA is game too.
  17. Is that the game plan on the right? If it’s a frivolous fishing expedition, it’s sad one party will risk our democracy toward its end.
  18. It was a dump of mailed in vote counts from urban areas.
  19. In PA, I’m guessing the influx of mailed in ballots combined with the PA legislature’s decision to not allow any of those ballots to even be staged until Election Day had something to do with it.
  20. Pretty simple, just keep counting. Once done counting, we’ll have a winner.
  21. All but a memory come this weekend. Back to jorts and tees.
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