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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. I guess no better season to endure a pig. We’ll try again next year once normality returns.
  2. We talking 2011-2012 style pig? Is the writing on the wall? Better to know now and not worry about it.
  3. Not this one. A 60 ft oak that was being scheduled to come down once the tree guy had availability. Missed the house and deck with razor precision.
  4. Up to 32k now. Big increase over the summer spike, which peaked around 18-19k very briefly.
  5. Worldometers just went from ~19k in serious condition to ~31k. Hopefully in error.
  6. I don’t see that. Worldometers currently shows 858.
  7. Right. A problematic fact that so many try to get by on so little.
  8. It’s back! Crisis averted! EDIT: And down again. YTTV FTL.
  9. I know you’re just trolling, but yes, towards the end of 21, early 22. Mask mandates will begin to ease.
  10. Pretty sure you said no more COVID coverage on MSM after 11/4. I’m sure someone could dig up those posts. Not worth the effort though. Everyone take care of yourselves and do what you think is best for your situation. Enough with the politicization of every single thing. It’s tiring.
  11. Agreed. I think we easily shoot past 200k cases per day by Christmas or sooner. Also, 2-2.5k deaths per day and still trending upward? We need that vaccine. Hopefully it’s real and not just a carrot at the end of a stick to get us through the winter.
  12. That’s basically what some EU countries did. Nationalized payroll for the spring lockdown. Not sure if their outcomes were better though.
  13. Ain’t happening. Extended unemployment, money for testing, targeted PPP, maybe extend the student loan deferment for a few more months is probably all we’ll muster. I doubt stimulus checks get sent out again either, especially if the Rs look to keep Senate control. Nothing happening until the next administration though I think, so February is the earliest anything will show up. Just my 2 cents.
  14. Coyote yelps and howls are a nightly occurrence here. The neighborhood kids will actually howl back at them and we can get quite the back and forth. There’s some healthy looking coyotes here too. They’re eating something good.
  15. Stuck at 52F here. No worries though, that ocean will warm us during the next snow event just enough to avoid any appreciable accumulations.
  16. At least the Pats are garbage this season. Takes the sting away a bit.
  17. I’m a little more optimistic. At the very least, if we can get older and more vulnerable populations to vaccinate, we’ll see the CFR decrease dramatically. Maybe young, healthy people won’t vaccinate and will still get it. But they’ll recover and not be able to spread it to vaccinated older, vulnerable populations.
  18. ~255M...in the US based on population of 330M. Assuming 70% of the population needs immunity to be effective...and it’s 90% effective as claimed. Back of napkin math below: 330M*0.7= ~230M 230M/0.9= ~255M
  19. Ratter appears more and more likely. I just rewatched The Departed too. Maybe a sign?
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