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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. NBC and FOX 25 going 6+ for SEMA and less than 6 elsewhere. Not much across the border.
  2. FIRST CALL 8-14” for most of MA, CT, and RI. Spot 14”+. 4-8” S VT, S NH and outer Cape to the Canal. 2-4” C VT, C NH and far southern coastal ME and outer Cape. C-2” MV and ACK. Cirrus for NNE.
  3. We like crazy Uncle. This means that the EURO will likely hold serve at 12z. Widespread 8-14" is my call. Lollies to 16-18". We take...with open arms. GFS tossed. Crazy 18+ amounts tossed.
  4. 1-4” = light 4-8” = significant 8-14” = substantial 14-24” = major 24-36” = historic 36”+ = biblical *Adjust for snow density when appropriate. For example, 3” of pasty snow has a higher societal impact than 5” of 30:1 powder. ***Since “moderate” is apparently a trigger for some, I threw it out entirely!
  5. Thinking this turns into a region wide 8-14” storm for most in CNE and SNE. KU amounts unlikely since this is hauling.
  6. I’m starting to think the heaviest axis will run along the Pike now. MA/NH border and SEMA still get crushed, just not JP. Blue Hill probably the winner in the end.
  7. Boston TV Mets starting to bang the SEMA special drums.
  8. NAM with 2-4” RI & SEMA tomorrow night. C-2” for the rest of SNE.
  9. Meh. Too far E to get good snows most storms. Too far N for these S of the Pike deals. Thinking moderate 3-6/4-8 deal here. Door quickly closing on anything more substantial for those in NSNE.
  10. Hmm...maybe some in SNE get more tomorrow night than the midweek deal?
  11. I used to draw them up on blank maps like that when I was a younger weenie.
  12. Dang. Hope that map doesn’t have a clue for Cape Ann.
  13. We’ve been hanging our hats on thread the needle events for a while. Wed/Thu is a nice change of pace.
  14. It’s almost Miller time! Hopefully the Millers aren’t out of code and skunked.
  15. That’d be a nice birthday present, one day early. Most years I wait until after 12/18 for the first significant SF.
  16. Woke up to about a half inch here. We’re on the board for 20-21! 0.5” new 0.5” season to date
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