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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. Low bar here. Covering the grass would work for me. Not holding my breath though.
  2. So nice to see "evolution" following "cosmic" for a change versus the other common phrasing.
  3. Coastal peeps...we wait until the PAC puke gets flushed after mid month.
  4. Nah. Just light a candle...that should do the trick.
  5. Probably way out in left field, but this sort of feels like 1/23?/2015...the Sat 6” appetizer before the big show a few days later.
  6. Yep. I started the panic room thread on 12/24/19.
  7. Annual shorts and tee shirt Christmas Eve jog. Like clockwork.
  8. That’s like +6” over the 1981-2010 normal.
  9. Methuen probably just inland enough to score. I’d rather be further N&W though. Of course, when something pops, it could always be timed well with a cold shot that leads to a CJ in Weymouth.
  10. Stale air masses won’t cut it here on the CP. Inland could rock.
  11. And somehow contract COVID from Santa or one of his reindeers.
  12. If we’re tracking a legit threat for Mon/Tue of next week during the Xmas Day massacre of the pack, it will definitely take some of the sting out of it.
  13. The trauma of lost Christmas snow pack may be blunted some as we could find ourselves tracking the next legitimate threat for early next week.
  14. Raining steadily. Pregaming for the Xmas Eve deluge.
  15. Haha same happens to me when I find myself having to be on the side of the road. Some cars give me a football field of clearance. Others want me to feel the whoosh off the side mirror.
  16. Still in Rockport. Just used Gloucester’s obs since my yard was impossible to measure.
  17. +13” (using Gloucester) 13.5” to date
  18. I spoke too soon. More than 8.5” previously reported. How much, no clue. Drifting is intense.
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