Flint will come in with November colder than December by a hair. Reflecting my backyard station.
Detroit will come in with it's 3rd or 2nd warmest December ever -- most likely 3rd. 1st is 2015.
8 out of 20 warmest Decembers in Detroit all happened in the 2000s.
It smells like someone went through the area with a chainsaw. Grass, cedar, tree smell.
The forest lost about 1/3rd of it's leaves, gonna be a weird summer. I have a TON to cleanup, will probably rent a stronger push behind leaf blower.
In May of 2022 I recorded over 10,000 strikes and my station started recording May 11th 2022. 10,000 strikes between May 11th and May 31st.
This May, for the entire month -- 57.
Exactly. If we're going to endure 6 months of gray shitty weather, let us bask in the fact we have ZERO water issues. We're pretty much the least freshwater deprived place on earth.