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Everything posted by Jonger

  1. There's no shield or screen on this. It's simply close to woods.
  2. 3 weeks of monitoring weather with my Tempest station. Placed in a very wooded location, but very good site for precip, much cooler than surrounding sites. But....shade is supposedly the real air temp.
  3. Post a few with my slurs. Good luck
  4. If I could post again in Ampol I'd just post there and we know what would happen. Imagine defibrillators.... Anyhow, I post at another forum and that's all it takes to be banned from Ampol. So...
  5. My ex-wife lives in the same town I do, I have power and she doesn't. Lol
  6. I suspect the majority came from a single person with 2 X chromosomes.
  7. Curious, how many reported posts came from one or two likely posters?
  8. Picked up 6.5 inches of rain since 2pm yesterday.
  9. Very impressed with this Tempest Weatherflo station This thing has no cups or moving parts, it detects rain with haptic sensors.
  10. You're getting too hung up on individuals. The Rav4 is the best selling vehicle today, the hybrid version (I bought it) is faster, gets better MPGs and has a better AWD system. It's a better version of the vehicle, but -- guess what? The gas version sells better because it costs $3500 less. Manchin isn't the problem.
  11. My Ford F150 EV will be ready Spring 2022. Watch the local truck fanboys start the big migration as they get dusted from each stop lights. 4.5 sec 0-60 EV versus 8.0 sec 0-60 gas pickups. Solar panel output and pricing should take care of the rest and outside of my winter fun, which even this just got released. This thing is a monster.
  12. That's never worked when tried on small scales, we need a global scale for this to work.
  13. People that opposed carbon sequestration don't care about climate, they have ulterior motives. 20 years of following this topic has solidified this opinion. We don't destroy our way of life and the climate is saved until we develop 100% energy usage from the sun.
  14. In the grand scheme of things.... none of this will matter LONG term. 150 years isn't shit. Humans and other animals can live with higher temps, new coast lines and more co2 in the atmosphere. We want to avoid TOO much extinction and damage to flora/fauna. Technology is moving us in the right direction, but we can head all this off with carbon sequestration. It's the easy option for all of this and also reduces ocean acidification too.
  15. But it's not going to happen. We need someone to figure out a proper way to pull down the current Co2 levels from any location on earth. Unless China or India suffered direct pain, it won't happen.
  16. This is the worst possible route you can take in an effort to fix this problem right here. You try to sell this and most people will check out. Carbon capture and sequestration is the only solution we have to negate the carbon already in the atmosphere and the additional carbon already in the pipeline.
  17. You haven't been to the Northwoods yet and you live in Wisconsin? Easy to describe, it's nicer than where you live. Simply put.
  18. This comes from the same guy (forky) who openly pushed for a vaccine mandate nationwide, basically confirming what Joe is saying here.
  19. Drudge was sold a few years ago.... the site keeps a few eyes on conservative writers and links those stories to pay the bills, but readership has plunged.
  20. Quite subjective and I'm quite sure I know the type you hear from.
  21. The same forum where people wish for strong hurricanes, cares about some fat conservative guy dying of covid 7 states away. Right....
  22. Let's be real, nobody here does.
  23. My parents and other age susceptible people in my life are vaccinated, I'll probably get around to it eventually. Not a big priority considering my age and health. I'm probably more likely to die in a car accident on the way to getting the vaccine.
  24. Seems to be a problem with moderation. I wonder if any of them are sensitive souls. Bad words make people sad.
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