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Everything posted by RandyHolt

  1. Curious if anyone would venture a guess of where the toxic cloud of smoke from the palestine ohio train crash chemical burnoff went, and a rough timeline? Most curious if there is any chance of toxins in today's rain in the DC area. 6 days ago I would guess its in Sweden by now but seems obvious to me weather dictates all of it so I ask here. EPA is of no help of course. Thanks.
  2. Saw the same here in Rainville. MSN is desperate for clicks yet doesn't realize it will forever drive away people from using them for weather.
  3. Still hanging our hats on our glorious cup win but repeated 1st round exits since hurts. Met a dude randomly at a winery 2 days after Willy got hurt and he told me Willy would be injured well into this season. Still wonder how the guy knew that but damn missing Willy in the loffs for all but 10 minutes hurt. Tending will be improved but fear the next few years will evolve to see if Ovi can catch 99. I am losing faith in BMac and Lavy and the latest pickups are meh. I do wish they would give Connor more of an offensive role AND PP time to help his development but fear he is going to bust out under Lavy. We keep bringing in vets and kids development stagnates. That all said I love our chances hockey is an odd sport where a few bounces go your way and you are well on your way to the conference finals.
  4. It's troubling that I didn't see anyone boarding up like old school floridians knew to do. No traffic jams fleeing the area. No video of thousands packed into safe shelters. I am sure I missed some but saw none. Media is definitely laser focused on the peak wind and CAT # - and I will throw in there central pressure. For the layman that number means nothing to them as they likely don't know if higher or lower is worse for their safety.
  5. Best storm surge timelapse I have ever seen & wanted to share. Focusing on the palms in the foreground I missed the house being washed away.
  6. Yeah media hype is assumed so I set out to search and found ZERO reports. I find NWS sites clunky and I struggle to find specific past data. I did since find an excellent time lapse that shows ~15' but understand NWS reporting isn't easy nor a priority now but its not hard to determine heights in the vids we see. Thanks for the reply.
  7. If anyone has a link to Ian storm surge reports (of any spotter reports for that matter) please share. I see ABC news saying 18' but I am skeptical yet cannot find any. Thanks.
  8. Happy to see others have moved on from Deet. Love me some Off FamilyCare - continuous spray of course.
  9. It's a little breezy out here in Poplarville
  10. West End I finished at 2.99". Trying to remember a harder Moco rain in my 40 and may test to agree - hardest ever.
  11. Got 2.6" in the west end. That's the heaviest rain I can recall in quite some time. I just saw a peek of sun in 20016
  12. We are broke - we can't afford to prepare proper; we are broken. Too expensive to get the contractors in place beforehand.
  13. Good point I sure hope cell towers have backup power.... who knows if some are damaged.
  14. We take the cheap ugly and inefficient way out. When folks visit me from the EU they are always amazed at our lame duck solution, noting how ugly it is. It's not just NO and low lying areas, of course.
  15. Cheers! Are you sure those were storm chaser videos? Or, just random amateur videos making their way across the interwebs.
  16. I was expecting to see many leveled buildings. Instead I saw 3 roofs blown off, leaning utility poles, and not much else. Maybe it's just solid American construction ha.
  17. I have heard some say its too late to get out. Call me crazy but if I were on that south side, roads looking clear, I would get the **** out. Seems dangerous to tell people to shelter versus tornado winds that are 7 hours away.
  18. A house in the West End got zapped. Presumed struck a very tall tree right next to the house, and then it went along the roof to the chimney nearby. It blew ~50 rows of brick out of the chimney all over the yard.
  19. Fishing for a link to monitor wind gusts - thanks
  20. Had a good house shaker in west end rockville and picked up .6
  21. Fam has done that for decades. But 3-4" deep is far too much IMO.
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