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Everything posted by RandyHolt

  1. Use some of the bingo winnings on a hangover helper... 34 and drizzle in the West End.
  2. It's 38 and I am freaking out, man. But not so much, since the Commanders won.
  3. We are staged here as well. Send the younguns out with shovels and tell them you are not ready but if they shovel a walk etc you will take them sledding right away. At least that's my plan.
  4. Yep plus its nice with yesterdays bonus squalls to have pre-treatment not be salt and brine this time.
  5. Everything common sense seems to take a back seat to unbridled capitalism in the US.
  6. Agree their cone graphic is indeed dated and has needed a reboot IMO for some time. Don't make me bust out the sharpie. Potentially extreme (landfall) events - maybe they could at least expand on "M" (its buried in the bottom right corner? - it could be top dead center) or include very strong direct language to open eyes at the top. M = MAJOR HURRICANE FORECAST TO HIT FLORIDA Know that many people don't or can't read maps. Map reading seems a low priority in our education. They could include a drudge style siren gif. Make a gif version with additional info and maybe even pinpointing current expected landfall, timing expanding on more than just eye's landfall, expected rainfall BEFORE, spaghetti's, prep tips or specific risks to that area. The info/graphic doesnt have to be the exact same as for OTS NLT events. We are in the digital age yet using a jpg which just seems... antiquated. Yep take the extremely dangerous risk of creating "panic" for extremely dangerous events. Let's live dangerously. We do anyways.
  7. Well said and no apologies needed. Main stream media is completely polarized and many most? have had to tune it out to keep their sanity. Even if one watched, we'd have found they were covering the same issues as they have for 8 straight years and make no mention of the dangers far inland enough to save lives. The only way to connect to most people is via mobile emergency texts and requesting the warnings be shared with friends family and neighbors. I have found emergency texts are far too localized. There was a tornado 10 minutes drive from me and I got no alert. Only those IN the path got alerts. I know, they don't want to cause panic and fear blah blah but a simple severe storm broad area alert was absent. NWS can only do so much. Only us weather folks read all the full NWS alerts.
  8. Curious if anyone can track the particle matter and toxins aloft from the Biolab chemical plant to let us know if it is headed our way. I can't find the link I used for the East Palestine disaster but regardless that was way over my pay grade. I accept best guesses. Thanks. Fog or not in the thread below, the toxins didn't disappear. https://www.threads.net/@esg.hound/post/DAjbEbIPKiF?xmt=AQGzTCo8h_HIkLOZ21FEj75-tU3_Fp_kjJ-QuLuV4d72Iw
  9. +1 also I didnt get any alerts here in Rockville nor when driving in Gburg around that time - hell let me know after the fact.
  10. Its unhealthy for mods to embrace their mod role too seriously. Been there done that on a sports board - just walk away. People seem to have lost their minds more than ever in my lifetime - and its not just pecker heads pecking away on a keyboard anonymously. Just like our beloved climate - we are witnessing big changes across the board.
  11. I didn't clear a spot to measure proper but I am in Rockville and it sure seems like more than 6" but I hadn't seen anyone else report over 6" until your post. I am going 6.4" but think its still snowing here.
  12. the plane that landed on Loudoun County Parkway - live feed
  13. Four Seasons Landscaping LLC armed with leaf blowers
  14. I said it earlier in the season - the expression rapid intensification is being re-defined - rapidly. Run of the mill standard RI can be RI1. Explosive intensification can be RI5.
  15. Good stuff. I got to meet Al Bumbry and he was really nice while giving tips to kids. He was the 1973 AL Rookie of the year and Vietnam vet tank commander - he is an O's legend.
  16. It seems the expression rapid intensification had been used too loosely in the past, or maybe Lee just redefined it. I'll be in southern new england next weekend for an outdoor family reunion... i'll bring the galoshes.
  17. But like a true american, driving in a hurricane with his headlights off.
  18. Few tracked exactly where the toxic clouds went. Maybe some think: what goes around comes around. What goes up must come down. Where are the particles anyways - did they get all taken down in canadian precip acid snows in Ontario, or head to Sweden or circle the globe or get suspended at 60K with "weather" balloons - care to venture a guess. I posted here for info on our risk re: particle flow but not a single person replied despite pretty easily potentially being in our backyards and snow talk a non starter. I finally found Justin's writeups days later. We got lucky. You know few outside of weather circles have any idea about upper level winds; they know about the jet stream. If the EPA working with NWS provided even basic information early on it would remove all speculation. Preburn off winds were very strong and it went in all directions the first few days. Post burn off the toxic cloud moved largely N the NE. Lucky that shit didnt come here but the burnoff got it over the eastern continental divide. Here is a burnday.gif but believe that all moved NE. I believe the very cold temps that day kept it a lower elevation. https://aircocalc-www.createlab.org/pardumps/plumeviz/experiments/video/ohio-train-fire/20230206.mp4
  19. I follow that guy for fire news. I just shined 2 few green laser pointers upwards outside and can confirm dust is falling in the Rock. I held my breath and then closed the windows I had opened from the heatwave and cranked up the HEPA. Go check with a flashlight? but my green laser pointer does a much better job of picking up dust.
  20. Getting a dusting here. Pollen seems early but it would be yellow. https://twitter.com/MoCoFireWire/status/1628962831222677505?s=20
  21. @ge0 I finally found met coverage https://justinweather.com/2023/02/17/new-videos-of-toxic-water-in-east-palestine-plus-dispersion-from-train-derailment-burn/
  22. Well it finally appears like I have gotten my answer. It snowed acid in Ontario. Tracking huge toxic plumes of smoke sure seems like a job for mets and simple to do. EPA ignored my inquiries but I don't trust them after 9/11 anyways. Maybe we dodged an acidic bullet here for this sub. I live near major roads and have never seen polluted ice. https://twitter.com/UpwardNewsHQ/status/1627325630323822592?s=20
  23. What kind of cloud is this lol. Vinyl Chloride becomes HCL. Acid rain and my scalp feels off today. It's probably no where near as bad as those Texas chemical plant disasters sure but since tracking snow is a thing of the past thought folks here may be interested in looking back at wind patterns and see where this toxic cloud went since it may effect you or someone you know, here. The LaSalle IL fire last month never even made the news. Staying on topic where did the toxic cloud Super Blow. And Mahomes sold the call.
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