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Everything posted by Thunderblizzard

  1. Moderate snow and everything coated at 20F. Nice wintry day for once.
  2. 18z GFS looks like it's redeveloping quite a bit earlier and further south compared to the 12z run.
  3. Same here... had enough of the cold rain this year.
  4. 34 degrees here the whole time while pouring. Truly glorious.
  5. 0.4" here at 220 ft in Southington. 1.4" for the month here, the least snowy January I've personally experienced.
  6. Still coming down nicely with the back edge overhead… gonna be any minute now unfortunately.
  7. Not gonna last long judging by radar but this is real nice right now… 1/4 mile visibility and non-paved surfaces coated up.
  8. Coming down at a decent clip now… temp still about 35 but starting to stick on cold surfaces easier than it did on Monday at 33.
  9. 0.5" here on cold surfaces at 220 ft. No trace of anything around downtown at 150-160 ft.
  10. Actually just a smidge more here at home a couple of miles south and east... 0.5".
  11. Final was 0.4” on cold surfaces here right after that initial burst… nothing afterwards accumulated and has actually melted somewhat despite moderate rates for much of the time. At least the white rain has tapered off now.
  12. It’s been trying down here for the past 15 minutes or so… just really struggling to accumulate much. Painful to watch. Had to keep it going earlier instead of rates falling off a cliff with mixing.
  13. Flurries and slight melting at 33… hopefully that band headed this way does some work.
  14. Significantly lightened up here, not any further accumulation going on like this at the moment. Temp remains at 33.
  15. Down to 33, grass and colder surfaces starting to coat up with fatties falling down.
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