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Everything posted by Thunderblizzard

  1. Getting completely scalped. 0.5" and at least half of that is sleet. 32F
  2. Yeah there's only a little on mostly colder surfaces here... a few tenths maybe.
  3. Can confirm flakes are flying here a little bit NW of Meriden, but pretty lightly. 34F
  4. Just had a burst of graupel here too.
  5. Looks like 5.7" will do it here in Southington. Still snowing, but not expecting any more accumulation with the temperature creeping up and the sun. @The 4 Seasons
  6. Pounding right now… heaviest of the event. 3.5”
  7. 2.8" and much better snow growth again. Bad rates hurt us for a little bit there.
  8. Fairly light the past 30-40 minutes or so. Looks like that'll change soon judging by the radar.
  9. Starting to really come down. Good snow growth.
  10. That was a pretty solid improvement compared to the 18z run on the NAM.
  11. Dim sun and flurries... 1.5" and most likely final. 22F
  12. Winding down now. Just shy of 1.5" with light snow.
  13. Coming down pretty heavy with big flakes in what seems to be the last band. Nice to see.
  14. Nobody remembered how to drive in a little bit of snow here, it seems. About 1" here and still snowing at a fair clip.
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