0.3" new on cold surfaces here in the past couple of hours from that little band. Looks like that's it as it's just down to flurries.
0.9" storm total including the 0.6" from this morning. @The 4 Seasons
At least where I'm at there was moderate snow (white rain) on and off for a while after 1:30 PM or so... just a junk system down here. Nice hour around 9 AM or so and that's it.
I've seen something similar before over here... in January of this year.
Just painful to watch. Temperature has been basically locked at 34 with a few short ticks up to 35 with mostly white rain since around 10 AM. Had some brief accumulating snow just prior to that.
Primarily rain, yeah. Still getting those bursts with some snow mixing in but we'll see if it tries anything more with the heavy stuff moving in shortly.
A couple hundred feet lower here, but also just dropped to 37... have a feeling I'll be just on the outside here with Wolcott and elevated Bristol getting a good hit. Seems to be changing over there already.