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Everything posted by Thunderblizzard

  1. Hard to tell exactly, the line goes right over us for a while. The slightest hair cooler than the 18z run.
  2. Euro looks a tick flatter/south than the 18z run, but pretty similar thermally.
  3. Make that the CMC now... 0z gets fairly toasty.
  4. NAM is definitely gonna be south of that 18z run... no shock there.
  5. That looks like mainly snow down into N CT.
  6. 18z Euro is noticeably south and colder.
  7. We've got ourselves a weenie coalition forming
  8. 18z ICON looks like it's even further south than the RPM... deadly duo we got here.
  9. If this could be the one time the D10 GFS verified...
  10. Was light for a while but we rip again. 31.8F
  11. Not quite as heavy now, but temp is down to 32.4F. Eyeballing like half an inch already.
  12. I had that too, but it switched back fairly quickly.
  13. It's absolutely pouring snow here... road is caving. That was quick.
  14. Cold surfaces getting coated, moderate snow with nice growth. 33.6F
  15. Steady snow here, nothing sticking since it's still 34.8F. We pray.
  16. Depth below 7” now with the temp at 34 and sunny. Too bad the sleet wasn’t on top.
  17. 9" total snow here, has slightly settled but an 8" depth right now. A bit of a gradient around here it seems as I was just down near the Cheshire line and they def had a bit less there... maybe more like 5-6" depth.
  18. Snow has tapered completely here... 9 inches. Possibly final as it looks like the best is now east.
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