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Everything posted by Thunderblizzard

  1. Haven’t measured but it’s gotta be like 1.5-2”... dumping snow outside
  2. Monstrous flakes falling outside. Even main roads getting white.
  3. Solid coating on basically everything, coming down pretty hard. 33.1F
  4. Moderate snow with decent growth. Dusting on the cartops. 34.6F
  5. Rain/sleet mix, ended up being a coating on most surfaces.
  6. Moderate snow here at the moment, a dusting on the cartops.
  7. Getting some into SE areas at 81h... way better look.
  8. The northern stream is more aggressive on the 0z GFS, but still nowhere close to Euro in that regard. A lot better than 18z.
  9. Moderate snow... nicer growth now near the back edge.
  10. Heaviest snow of the storm so far... temp steady around 21.
  11. Borderline heavy snow, eyeballing like 2" OTG.
  12. Been pretty meh here since 3:30 or so... light snow on and off.
  13. Snow growth has improved a bit the past few minutes... moderate snow.
  14. Coming down at a solid clip now with a coating. 21.5F
  15. Temp dropping a bit, down to 67.9F... high was 70.1F.
  16. Currently the warmest I've ever seen it IMBY in January... 69.3F
  17. Reading 64.4F here... an absolute roast.
  18. Fat flakes coming down here at a good clip... things getting coated.
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