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About pstar3182

  • Birthday 03/01/1982

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Asbury Park, NJ

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  1. I don't buy it costal Monmouth/OC. Especially barrier island, white rain maybe.
  2. Exactly - outside 48 hours this forum is cosplay and wish-casting peppered in with in-depth analysis from extremely talented hobbyist to pro-mets. Don't lose site of the uncertainty.
  3. It's flawed logic. Every Atlantic hurricane that fails to make landfall is a near miss for the Northeast? Wish casting gone wrong...
  4. How is it a miss when most of the area was never a possibility?
  5. I was on the water today, ocean is not that cold. Going to fun seeing it set up on the coast.
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