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About pstar3182

  • Birthday 03/01/1982

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Asbury Park, NJ

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  1. So, next Sunday seems like a good this to obsess over?
  2. I'm old, but rule of thumb was if Cablevison was giving you the NY Giants game and Philly on ch29 you're in South Jersey.
  3. 195 is south of NJs Mason Dixon Line TR is south for sure.
  4. I don't buy it costal Monmouth/OC. Especially barrier island, white rain maybe.
  5. Exactly - outside 48 hours this forum is cosplay and wish-casting peppered in with in-depth analysis from extremely talented hobbyist to pro-mets. Don't lose site of the uncertainty.
  6. It's flawed logic. Every Atlantic hurricane that fails to make landfall is a near miss for the Northeast? Wish casting gone wrong...
  7. How is it a miss when most of the area was never a possibility?
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