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Everything posted by RogueWaves

  1. I'd say 0.3-0.4" here in Canton for the day. Expected only mood flakes, so over-performed.
  2. The part about CLE was no joke! I once read old newspaper archives about snowstorms and one article mentioned a strong bomb-storm in 1873 that took a KIND->KAZO track.
  3. It reflects the same dying eastern flank/band that falls apart as it heads south over SEMI like with the Halloween system. Like nature said "let's cue-up a near carbon copy event". Perhaps I'll score the same 2/10ths
  4. NYE and ongoing across the lower lakes.. Phantasy storms can happen. Can't they?
  5. Not sure if you were in Genesee Cnty your entire life? If so, you may remember the April '75 storm? That was the biggest storm of my youth (10 at the time) for me personally. Similar to the Dec 2000 bliz, it dumped big fatties for hours then finished with a few hours of bliz conditions and near-zero visibility. At least in eastern Genesee where I was. 18" show-stopper. Too bad it was already spring break so I didn't get any snow days off from school . For Genesee Cnty, I think the only bigger storm would be the Jan '67 bliz with it's nearly 23" total.
  6. Models stunk even with last Christmas's bomb storm, and that wasn't the mega-merger scenario of '78. First Chicago and SWI were supposed to get rocked by a crippling bliz, then after that went poof, they kept insisting Detroit would get 10" which in reality ended up closer to 4.
  7. Winds were awesome, even further east on the "inflow" side. That was one of only 2 storms in my life that delivered snow well east thanks to timely occlusion. In SEMI where I was we went from strong East winds and ripping snow (briefly) to T-storms, back to 4" of heavy wet snow before it was over. Dec 09 bliz was the other one when I lived in SWMI.
  8. Detroit wx summed-up in a sentence. Thx DTX.
  9. ..and here we go again with the phase-tease. Will this be the "3rd times the charm" storm? If so, I sure hope somehow it can get some cold air pulled in just a bit sooner. Prolly just a fluke run like b4 anyways, lol DTX Still, the exact timing of the infusion of cold air andposition of the deformation axis remains uncertain as we sort outthe interaction of the 3 strong upper level waves/troughs(Missouri/northern Florida/Central Canada).
  10. I was (no longer a kid) living in S. Bend and yeah, one of the all-time classic Midwestern flip-a-switch from mild to wild winter periods in history. Nevermind Chicago and mby with the big bliz. DTW sitting at 24" OTG by 1/13 is as mind-boggling as it gets.
  11. Dec 2015 was a dry weenie roaster from the 1st thru the 17th, then we got 2" and 2 cold days followed by another dry roaster until the SLEET storm on the 28th which was a nice reward for all the suffering. Just shows things can sneak up even in a roast-fest of a December.
  12. It's the dreaded CAD everyone's always harping about
  13. Rumblings of a colder (MJO) and snowier (LR GFSh*t) look from around Christmas and thru the holidays. Less Grinchy anyways.
  14. LOL, JB has AN temps across the entire northern tier. But I get it..
  15. But it's a calm cold. My wife hails from Tomsk (over a bit from Omsk) and she's fine with a quiet -40C/F but can't stand the windy PV blasts we get here in the Midwest.
  16. what? you don't like your 2 days of active wx per season?? Remember, last December we got this. Kinda figures we'd have to pay for it sooner than later.
  17. Remember it well that morning. Thermo was pegged at ZERO with a 30-35 mph wind in your face. For early winter it was miserable in NWMI. And we didn't get the big totals they had called for to add insult to injury.
  18. 24.5" per NWS write-up with 12 foot drifts in the city proper. #wildstuff
  19. 2 for 2 on the models flashing the "big phase tease"
  20. I can remember lurking at USWxforum circa early 2007 and later at Accu. Not sure if Eastern was still going then. If so, I never joined until this platform replaced it.
  21. Surprise in the making?? At least you get the prime darks hours. Like everything so far, midday event on tap over here.
  22. DTX (summary = gonna stack some more tenths) Shortwave tracking through the Dakotas this afternoon and slippinginto central Indiana by 12z Tuesday. Question is will this systemstill be strong enough and far enough north to support precipitationslipping north across the southern Michigan border. Based on thebulk of the hires solutions, and seeing 850-700 MB omega/forcing,the answers appears to be yes for areas along and south of I-94,with less confidence as one heads north. Mean temperature in the 850-700 MB layer looks to be -10 C. 12z NAM still maintains a closedsurface low/low level circulation through 18z Tuesday, which shouldbe good enough with 925 MB temps of -2 to -3 C. Any layer abovefreezing is right at or just above the surface, so snow is expectedto accumulate, especially after we drop into the upper 20s/near 30degrees tonight. Accumulation around half an inch along and south ofI-94 appears likely, and will then taper off pops quickly as oneheads north.
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