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Everything posted by RogueWaves

  1. GFS flashing more rainers for most of the Sub..can't wait for my 30 hrs of rain ending in flurries
  2. A 9-day snowfall map from six yrs ago. Was that sh*t even real, or did we just imagine all that??
  3. Now now. Let's not down-play. Multi-year suckage is suckage multiplied! We knew we had it coming after a string of many great ones through this region. Doesn't make it any less pathetic tho.
  4. I haven't found this lack of sampling to be such a game-changer lately. For instance, the OHV slider that the GFS (and others) had as more of a panhandle hook. The slider look was pretty much dominant by other guidance prior to the wave getting ashore, and once it did there wasn't some massive last-minute shift. More or less just nailed the coffin on any last glimmer of cutter/hooker outcome. These last few winters have been underwhelming. Stretching avg snow totals out over a 6 month period with little staying power of any accumulations is no way to run a season. Give me the avg snow total condensed to 2 or even a solid 3 month period. Better yet, an above average amount compressed into same time frame. This is not only yawn-worthy, it's tiring, and almost a waste of time chasing ghost storms on guidance trying to guess which 1 out of 20 threats isn't just another mirage. Has to be better ways to spend one's time; like numbering the shingles on my roof perhaps..
  5. ..and 6z Euro more a NWIN hitter. Hey guidance, let's just meet in the middle at my place, eh?
  6. ^^^ Man, what did Chicago do to earn such a long shafting by the snowstorm gods??
  7. By the numbers..' 355 = The percent better this Dec's snow total was compared to last December's 2 = Inches of snow for me from this storm 14.9" = Seasonal total thru 12/31/19 30 = Percent of normal seasonal total snowfall based on 49.7" avg for my locale
  8. Not sure it's just the lake shadow in this case since the entire event verbatim is a rain-to-snow scenario, so it's just trying to guess when that transition occurs. Need this colder for all concerned, not just you beach dwellers
  9. Hopefully, we've saved the precip for when it actually has a chance to be other than rain. At least that'd be nice payback for missing your wettest year goal.
  10. 07-08 was the epitome of proof that way above avg snow fall can indeed happen despite a lack of the bitter cold seen in 13-14. That season was the exact opposite of what we've had around here last winter and so far this winter with the extremely poor timing of cold/moisture. 07-08 everything clicked in that dept.
  11. Nice Top-10 list by/for DTX https://www.weather.gov/dtx/TopTenWeatherEvents2010s
  12. Trust me, I've been playing the "what if" scenarios in my head, lol. Even if this was coming into a more typical late December air mass but this is more like early November. Still, if it delivers measurable snow from Monroe in the far SE corner of the Mitt to Copper Harbor and Ironwood, it will be unique for that fact alone. I cannot recall a storm doing that at any time of year. Covering the entire state like this has a shot at doing. Jan '78 is only possible candidate that comes to mind.
  13. When a pattern's giving you the middle finger, it'll get real creative in how it does it..
  14. effing Nino BS. How bout our La Nada starts acting like one!
  15. The decade rocked here from 2010-2016 (2011-12 aside), then the wheels fell off for the most part. When you hit such a peak, the only way is down.
  16. I'm sure the GFS/NAM will begin to show it cutting up our way just like the last OHV slider. We know how that worked out..
  17. Best enjoy these storms before you become the new Detroit
  18. Me too. 0z was actually friendlier for WMI. Didn't take the secondary so far west. These imbedded troughs rotating thru will have a big impact for my chances and they'll be a last-minute thing to figure out as usual.
  19. Like 1993-94. Mild Dec even in NMI right til Christmas..before the bottom fell out
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