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Everything posted by RogueWaves

  1. Per GRR, the severe threat has ended but there's a pretty healthy cell that popped just SE of GR
  2. I think that's your issue. Macomb's notorious for down-sloping from the higher elevations to the west. Takes a lot of punch out of winter storms, and likely has a similar effect on severe
  3. 50s/60s/70s had ZERO problems producing high-end tors. Always wondered what the key ingredient was back then that allowed for such a different outcome? It's like this region was a different world when I was young.
  4. Saw my neighbors outside taking pic's so I went over to look. They actually had an entire tree (16+") come down along with parts of other close trees. Trashed their garage badly. Just moved in last October. Not so great a welcome wagon gift from nature for them. On the upside, they may just get a new garage out of the deal.
  5. 80 mph wind gust reported at Lake Macatawa as thunderstorms hit West Michigan https://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/2020/06/80-mph-wind-gust-reported-at-lake-macatawa-as-thunderstorms-hit-west-michigan.html
  6. This report's near GR Stepped outside to put my planter pots upright (2 of 3 were flipped) and noticed heavy tree damage at every neighbor's place surrounding mine. Looks like limbs at least up to 6" diameter. One on my south neighbor's SUV and his garage door severely blown inward. Neighbor just north I couldn't see him behind a massive chunk of tree laying in his front yard, but could hear the chainsaw and see movement. Also, tons of sirens blaring and DPW vehicles scurrying around tells me there's some pretty widespread issues. Oh, and in my shorts and flops felt hot about 90 min's ago and now the temps shocking in the other direction. Nothing dull about today's wx..
  7. 87F dropped to 65F and some of the highest gusts I've seen on the airport unit. (iirc May of 2011 hit 70 mph) It's official:
  8. Thunder's been pretty minimal with these cells tho. Not to be a buzzkill. Certainly worthy of the severe warnings but winds/hail are the bigger story it seems.
  9. May just get "lucky" wrt hail. Some west, and now some north..
  10. absolutely getting hammered here..constant wind roaring
  11. Glad I did. 1" dia hail to my west in BC area. Yikes..cell warned south of me in NIN: HAIL...1.25IN
  12. Currently 84/90/73 per the airport unit. Just took my ride down to the public garage in town just in case a hailer does show up
  13. We've had some early season PDS Watches totally fail over SWMI in the last decade. Even 11-17-13 didn't get the tor's up into MI as was expected. The Tor Watch in May of 2011 which produced the large rotation and tor-like damage swath is the worst I can remember locally. We are kinda overdue tbh. OH had that surprise outbreak back in Aug of '16 or '17, and the after dark EF4 on the NW side of Toledo back in June of 2010 also caused a warning here due to a very brief funnel west of here that took the roof off a church bldg. Way back 100 or more years ago, Marshall took a direct hit from a twister and the city hall bell was later found some miles from it's original location. The bell is now a memorial piece with a history plaque in front our current city hall. Stay safe all you Michiganders!
  14. More crumbling MI infrastructure. A century of growth followed by decades of decline. A ton of stuff was built without thought of what it might cost to maintain or restore when it reached it's life expectancy.
  15. The "relief plug" designed to save total collapse gave out as designed. But it now looks like the rest is buckling too. Yikes
  16. Two sides to every story and this no exception. She wanted to add to the total BEFORE formalized announcement and others disagreed. You can choose what makes the most sense to you. "she objected to the removal of records showing people had symptoms or positive tests before the cases were announced" Was she being proactive or misleading? Again, just a difference of opinion amongst many.
  17. My would be mega bliz for the ages wasted out of season.
  18. Only 1.45 event total here since Sunday. Been very lucky with no heavy rates with much higher amounts just to my west. 3.5+ since Thursday but so far my basement pump is keeping things from getting out of hand.
  19. Already pumping the basement after Thu/Fri delivered 1.5+ here. The two worst floods since living here (Aug '08) were the already mentioned hurricane remnant in Sept of '08 and ofc just 2 years ago in Feb 2018 when the Kzoo river valley set record flood levels due to the heavy rain on top of rapid melt-off of that deep snow pack. Autumn of 2016 (or was it 2015?) was also bad now that I think of it. Just too damned much flooding lately. Tired of drying my basement so often. It's been beyond ridiculous but as said "it's what we do"
  20. Accurate for mby. Splotches of above avg around the state (how'd Genesee Cnty do so well??) but noticeable that a lot of the UP ended up so-so after a very strong first half.
  21. Back when Pure Michigan was an extension of tornado alley (1950-1985), we had legit severe storms. Great interactive presentation on the 40th anniversary of the twister that made an incredibly pin-pointed strike on downtown K'zoo. Dr. Fujita's son actually contributed to this: https://noaa.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournal/index.html?appid=4ab7acf6be0440df9029fc7267fa21b0
  22. Which have been good to great for the Lwr Lakes iirc. Expectations were certainly high for a much better outcome.
  23. In that related article on the interview with HHS director Azar, he was asked why the death toll has been so much higher here in America? His answer was that so many of us are not in good health to begin with and are easy prey for any such wave of illness. BUT, don't tell Peeps it's their fault. No! Can't have that, after all our healthcare system relies heavily on all these societal diseases for a lot of their day-to-day business. Not only should we not blame them, but we shouldn't educate them on what not to do either (other than smoking ofc which finally has been called out as an industry of unhealthy addiction).
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