Yeah, and I wasn't slamming Jonger for his biz making out good. But the state UIA maximum (which hasn't changed in literally decades) is a joke as far as living on it for anyone that makes a decent wage/salary. Forget it unless you are single with super cheap rent, can live on starvation-level calories, and don't own/maintain a car. It's gap insurance, I get it, but you better have that nest egg to chew on or you'll be hurtin for certain, and quickly. Other better scenario is ofc if you're married and have a spouse who is still getting their normal income. That's much easier all the way around. I am amazed that the state's court system is gearing up to deal with an estimated 80K+ "renter evictions" as we head into August when the governor is allowing the pandemic protection to expire. Who are these people? It doesn't make sense as anyone who had a job and qualified for UIA should've been getting the extra $2400/mo which easily pays 99% of people's rent around MI with plenty left-over in most cases. I know it's been mentioned that people have been living "high on the hog" if the pandemic $$ was actually more than they made working, but still, you pay the rent first, right??