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Everything posted by RogueWaves

  1. This is drastic? Look west young man..there you will see the true meaning of the word. 0.9" overnight. Perfect
  2. It's the Chinese export that just keeps on giving. Was unemployed by COVID. Now I'm employed by COVID. As The World Turns..
  3. Another 1/2"+ since Tue evening. 69F and steady drizzle attm. Calling dry conditions on the surface ended. However, yesterday I passed a local pond that I was shocked to see dried up. It normally has 12-18" of standing water and you will often see a Blue Heron stalking frogs there. Its definitely been a dry stretch combined with enough heat to make hostile growing conditions. Glad its ending!
  4. Cutting my grass after Friday's rainstorms put an end to the dustiness. There was so much leaf drop it felt like autumn had set in. Just a ton of brown ones confirming the dryness of this month.
  5. That is NUTS! Even i scored 0.8-1.0" based on reports/radar. Won't end dryness but sure better than another whiff
  6. We had that here a few years back. I watched several 80% T-storm likely forecasts in a row just go "poof
  7. Heads-up Ottowa County...looks like your number's up
  8. It ALL begins when Kitchener gets a good drenching. Got a good vibe..
  9. Finally! Its pound-time here. There's hope yet for the Kitchener Crew
  10. Another heavy rain miss. This time by just 5 miles north! Rain risk lowered in grid. Gonna blow a gasket if I'm whiffed by this event too
  11. toTallY f'd over on this rain evenT here. Yesterday's batch died one county west, and now this morning's event just to my east. This is kitchener bad luck.
  12. Shot from 82F at noon to 88F at 1 pm. It can stop now.
  13. Yep. Even here it's starting to get "crunchy" and feeling like the distant step-cousin of 2012
  14. Nightmare stuff. Glad to hear from you. Can't imagine the clean-up misery in the heat of the tropics post-major hurricanes, but now you can unfortunately. I'll take a hard pass on a 1st hand at that one.
  15. Cannot wait for the heat waves to be in the rearview mirror personally
  16. NW Lower Mich gets some spectacular conditions this time of year. The lake modifies the CF's just enough to avoid the chilliness felt north of the bridge. It's a tough combination to beat..anywhere
  17. (From the August thread) Would these work for you? MOST would work for me. Wasn't 2017 a top-5 Dec for Detroit?
  18. Anyone able to look up firm 2020 total death numbers (all causes) for the US? I'm not super-search savvy but my attempts via Google and Bing have ended in frustration. Tons of hits about C-19 this and C-19 that but still can't pin down a chart/graph/list of the total count (to date).
  19. On the MI closed list iiuc, would be bars that mainly serve just alcohol w/o a true kitchen. Cinemas and gyms. Large auditorium events. Schools. And businesses that have taken a financial torpedo to the bow and won't be seen floating again when this is over. That's all I've got. Some other Michigander here feel free to clarify..
  20. Dittos. The increased positives via increased testing is a no-brainer. IF death rates start spiking around here I'll be more concerned but that number (which never seems the first focus of our main media outlets) continues flat-lining. All the hoopla over that MSU campus bar that opened and was flooded with student-aged patrons that couldn't wait to get back to their drinking hangout resulted in 100+ positives. But the last article I saw nobody was ill, let alone hospitalized. And they tested all known contacts even outside the establishment per the news article. I say Mask Up Open Up!
  21. Fixed! Snow was flying on a warm day in Beijing last week. Legit fatties that were floating too, not some graupel, IP, or hail-mix. Not certain of their climo comparisons, but I think it'd be similar to a burst of snow in Chicago or Detroit at the tail end of July. If one looks hard enough, I think you can see hints of the GSM and it's effects. Don't think we're anywhere close to Maunder level stuff tho. At least not yet.
  22. Yet, our state's leadership chose the non-traditional path of folding tent and closing shop. Who doesn't understand that this economic crunch will role up to the government payrolls in due time as private sector businesses are who/what actually funds all those services/dept's. It's like "ready, fire, aim!"...as you shoot your own foot.
  23. In Michigan? I don't think you even have the option to do those here. Mine would've stopped at getting a haircut aside from the mentioned visit to the bookstore's coffee shop area, and an unfortunately timed death in the immediate family.
  24. Yeah, and I wasn't slamming Jonger for his biz making out good. But the state UIA maximum (which hasn't changed in literally decades) is a joke as far as living on it for anyone that makes a decent wage/salary. Forget it unless you are single with super cheap rent, can live on starvation-level calories, and don't own/maintain a car. It's gap insurance, I get it, but you better have that nest egg to chew on or you'll be hurtin for certain, and quickly. Other better scenario is ofc if you're married and have a spouse who is still getting their normal income. That's much easier all the way around. I am amazed that the state's court system is gearing up to deal with an estimated 80K+ "renter evictions" as we head into August when the governor is allowing the pandemic protection to expire. Who are these people? It doesn't make sense as anyone who had a job and qualified for UIA should've been getting the extra $2400/mo which easily pays 99% of people's rent around MI with plenty left-over in most cases. I know it's been mentioned that people have been living "high on the hog" if the pandemic $$ was actually more than they made working, but still, you pay the rent first, right??
  25. As much as this has helped your biz, it's a disaster for thousands and cutting-off assistance cold turkey is not the way to go. Opening as you outline is right, but those that don't have a job to return to will be destitute if left on their own with zero aid. The over-generous fed pandemic UIA is already set to expire and I don't think the Dem's will manage to get it extended. A more realistic amount/formula is in the works as a compromise between the D's 3T proposal and the R's 1T proposal. Stay tuned..
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