Totally with ya on that. Been trying to decide what was DTW's best Dec of say the last 50 yrs. I know '74 had a huge total courtesy of the #3 all-time storm to kick off the month, but I'm pretty fond of '81 as the final 10 days right through the holidays had fresh and fairly deep snow cover. The primary storm track in '81-82 was ideal for west side of Detroit and it repeated over and over. '13-14 had the unfortunately timed pull-back right during Christmas week. It's one and only blemish to be fair.
Starting the month with all this fantastic wx reminds me a lot of 2010. I'll have to look back to see when exactly that extended warmth finally caved to more seasonable temps. Dec '09, '10, and '12 all featured strong bliz's, and treated mby best to worst in that same order.
a long time ago now:
October 24th 2001 Tornado Outbreak (
17 years later, the memory of the 2001 Michiana tornadoes stay with us (
2nd season gave me my closest call with an EF-3 (a little too close for comfort tbh).
Can't help but like seeing shades of an 07-08 & 10-11 combo. Anyone remember GHD-1? Just need an Octo-bomb-esque autumn bruiser to set the pre-cursor tone for the Sub.
Alright Chicago crew. You're running late on "firsts" and its been noticed. Here's exactly when that late arriving 1st snow streak ends in Alek's 'hood:
Do you have Dec? That's the month that really stood out as anomalous. Interesting to see that where I was at NOV got warmer relative to avg's vs OCT. Curious to see DEC. I remember taking my dogs to run on the beach at Lake Michigan on 12/19 and the wx was extremely pleasant. Seeing these maps makes me re-think tho that your original statement may apply. After early cold autumns the prior 2 years, '93's avg and lack of snow just felt wildly AN by comparison.
For NMI to hardly have sub-32F temps in October is warm. Oct's of '92 & '95 it snowed a lot in October. Keep in mind that's LES belts and it just takes a cold wind.
In autumn of '93 I was very busy with work/school and tbh didn't really need/want early snow for my 50 mi daily commute so a WAD Oct/Nov wasn't bothering me in the least. But we were 3 wks into Dec and that's when it really became noticeable that winter was a late arrival if it was coming at all. I do see Gaylord had 32F highs the last 2 days of Oct and minor LES event. That apparently (unknown in pre-web era) was the cold push that gave SOHV a snowstorm - huh
You sure they didn't have the date wrong. '91 and '92 were cold early. '93 I lived in NMI and was enjoying an unusually warm autumn and it didn't get cold until Christmas week. Idk how SOH would've had a snowstorm at Halloween in that regime. It wasn't a NINO season. Just checked Traverse City for Oct '93 and sure enough, only 2 mornings that barely got sub-freezing the entire month. How Cinci was out-pacing NMI is mind boggling stuff if true.
Dee's making me eat Crow and like it. He did say his secret formula has upped his seasonal batting avg, and he dropped his "no good sledding" mantra. Just says GO NORTH! Said last year's calls worked out, including the BN snowfall for Chicago/NIL region. I like the overall look of his map, just wish him to be wrong on his call for AN temps here. Can't argue with that call though.
Absolutely amazing 70 days durability of snowcover for this region considering it was hardly being replenished.
From a Dec to remember standpoint for DTW, give me one of these: '74, '81, '00, '17 (2013 had the unfortunate melt-off for Christmas)
Just HOW old are you, lol? I have a photo from 11-11-83 with a plastering of 4" of freshly fallen snow, but leaves on the trees similar to where we are currently in W Detroit area. And that was a couple counties north of here. I was inland last Sunday and peak had already occurred outside the UHI of Wayne Cnty. Cannot remember being so far along pre-Halloween since perhaps 2000 but I was in S. Bend at that point so it's not a fair comparison. '89 was an early and chilly autumn but tbh, my focus wasn't on timing of the colors back then. The storms of 10/19 and 11/16 stick out but not the progress of color change. There weren't too many colorful trees there anyways to even notice.
Why? He's not that good, especially outside his back yard aka the U.P. aka Yooperland. He will surely show "No good sledding" everywhere south of The Straights. I don't dislike the guy on a personal level just to be clear.
Its November that has the MUCH stronger correlation with what to expect during the following winter. October's seem to be a mixed signal month but there are some where the indication was stronger and more pronounced such as the mid-month flip in 2013. Seems the winters that want to kick into gear earlier will tip their hand in October like '89 & '00