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Everything posted by RogueWaves

  1. IDIOT traffic jams! Showing accumulation on all surfaces. Looks like at least 1 crash on some of the cams.
  2. Yeah, you're in the prime area - far northern burbs. I'm in Canton, hence that list from the '05 near bliz showing Canton doing very well. Last winter was my first here, and even DTW and downriver region has outperformed this place. Just crap luck bad timing no doubt. I'm sure I beat Coleman A. Young airport for instance. This can't be the worst place around, even if it feels like it.
  3. Just in..massive storm flashed on model around Turkey Day buries Chicago and much of The Mitt
  4. Yes, it was a true LES-only event on a cold northerly blast. There were 2 that Nov about 10 days apart. The 2nd one's jackzone was about 5 miles inland but with the same NNW wind vector post CF passage.
  5. I don't mean to sound "down" on my new locale (I knew where I was going winter-wise after all), but I'm on a losing streak several winters long now and it's "show me the goods" mode for me, and well so far lame misses in all directions have been the rule. Need me a Jan 23, 2005 or GHD-2 level event to pull me out of the nosedive, lol. ...WAYNE... LINCOLN PARK 13.8 CANTON 12.5 LIVONIA 12.5 DETROIT METRO AIRPORT 12.2 BROWNSTOWN 12.1 WYANDOTTE 11.0 REDFORD 9.5 WESTLAND 9.0
  6. 11-12-13 when I worked in St. Joe we had 17" of LES literally across the street from lake front property. Not sure the parameters during that event, but the winds were more parallel to the roughly N-S shoreline, not perpendicular like Chicago will see.
  7. Is that ***Best Guess Precip Type*** = SNOW your input?
  8. Supposedly looking much better for yby with late week arctic front. I will be the last to measure snow no doubt.
  9. Obscure for most if not all on here, my date is 4/3/75. Not aware if there was even a headline for the 18" of concrete ending with bliz conditions that we had overnight from the 2nd to the 3rd. Could not see a single set of vehicle tracks in the streets. Completely snowed-in with nothing moving except my buddy and his dad walking past to his grandparent's place where their snowmobiles had already been put away for the year. I watched them for about 2 house lengths, and they disappeared into the whiteout conditions. I've yet to experience anything that shutdown travel so dramatically although 3/5/12 was similar but I was not in the hardest hit zone. Honorable mention goes to 1/3/99. I missed that storm as I was out of town but returned to a home buried in 18" OTG and a 40" drift on my deck.
  10. Screwed again in Canton wrt anything heavy enough to stick.
  11. Let this be the 1 in 3 chance that it's a good omen. The other two weren't
  12. RN/SN likely now per grids. Virga-fest attm. No SWS from DTX so not sure what to expect here? Will forcing overcome all the usual obstacles that plague metro D-town??
  13. 3 yrs ago this evening cleared my driveway of 7" of fresh snow. 8.5" on 11-29-11 and 12.5" on 11-22-15 are the biggies during the past 2 decades.
  14. DTX - Oh the dreaded and ever-present sensitivity to track concerns around here - sigh High pressure is on schedule to build across the Great Lakes byMonday to start the week with dry weather. The high holds intoTuesday as the next low pressure system gathers organization overthe Plains and Midwest. This large and intense system sweeps Gulfmoisture northward which could reach Lower Mi as early as Tuesdayafternoon in the form of a rain/snow mix. A heavier mix of rain andsnow changing to all snow becomes possible Tuesday night intoWednesday as extended range models show the surface low centertracking nearby across NW Ohio, a track that makes the forecast forSE MI very sensitive to the small adjustments likely in upcomingforecast cycles.
  15. iirc, they had 4 storms in a row and when GHD-1 was first coming into discussions, it was progged to be #5. Couple days later the track was shifted back to the MW which actually stuck.
  16. I'd like the version where we don't have to watch the EC rake Big Dog after Big Dog
  17. Considering Lk Michigan was under 2 Storm Warnings inside of 3 wks, I'm liking his odds on strong events in the GLs
  18. location names on that report seem a little suspect, lol
  19. Will check with JB - hah! Just said that he's been calling for an active end to the tropical season, and this late-game storm is following their thoughts about cold coming not long after. Comparing this to Kate that hit FL 11-20-85 after which the cold settled in. I've heard others liking 85-86 as an analog winter.
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